

17-19 July 2019, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK 


Previous Events
4th – 6th July 2018
University of Valencia, Spain

12th – 14th July 2017
York St John University, UK

LIAR IV Conference
12-14 July 2016
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

9th International Conference on Im/Politeness
1-3 July 2015
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Third LPRG Postgraduate Politeness conference
17 April 2015
York St John University

8th International Conference on Politeness
9-11 July 2014
University of Huddesfield, UK

Second LPRG Postgraduate conference
13 March 2014
Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Teaching and Learning (Im)Politeness
8-11 July 2013
SOAS, University of London, UK

First Postgraduate Conference on Linguistic Politeness
Centre for Intercultural Politeness Research
University of Huddersfield, UK
8 March 2013

Politeness Symposium
Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
3 December 2012

‘Experimental and Empirical Approaches to Politeness and Impoliteness’
Linguistic Impoliteness and Rudeness (LIAR III)
Urbana, IL, USA
29 -31 August 2012

Sixth International Symposium on Politeness
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
11 July – 13 July 2011

Fifth International Symposium on Politeness
University of Basel, Switzerland
30 June – 2 July 2010

16th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction, and Culture
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
May 6-8, 2010

Linguistic Impoliteness and Rudeness II
Lancaster University, UK
30 June -2 July 2009

International Symposium on Face and Politeness
Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
10 July 2009

Fourth International Symposium on Politeness: ‘East meet West’
Budapest, Hungary
2-4 July 2008

Third International Symposium on Politeness: Situated Politeness
University of Leeds, UK
2-4 July 2007

Linguistic Impoliteness and Rudeness (LIAR): Confrontation and Conflict in Discourse
University of Huddersfield, UK
3-4 July 2006

Politeness: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Language and Culture
University of Nottingham, UK
12 March 2005

Politeness and Power
Loughborough University, UK
14 September 2002