Data statement

Open access and data availability statements
According to the University’s policies on Open Access and Research Data Management, published results should always include

  • details of the funding that supported the research
  • if applicable, a statement on how to access the supporting data
  • This is also policy of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI – formerly RCUK). Some funders, such as EPSRC, further specify that the data availability statement should identify how the underpinning data can be accessed and on what terms, including any compelling legal or ethical reasons to protect access, if there are any. The statement would also require a persistent identifier such as a DOI. If access needs to be requested via email, EPSRC deem a personal email address to be insufficient but ask for an institutional email address; this should be This email address is monitored on a daily basis and any incoming requests will be forwarded to the relevant researcher.

1. Open Access statement

‘This work was supported by FUNDER [grant number XXX].’

There is more detailed guidance on acknowledgement of funders in scholarly journal articles available from the Research Information Network.
2. Data availability statement

The exact format and placement of the data availability statement will depend on your journal’s house-style. Some journals have their own template for a data availability statement. If not, you can either include a formal citation to your dataset, or a simple statement, as outlined below.

  1. Check whether your journal has its own template or requirements for a data availability statement.
  2. Agree the wording of your data availability statement.
  3. Obtain a DOI or persistent URL from your data repository for inclusion in the data availability statement.
Formal citation
You could include a formal citation to your data using the following elements.
Creator (PublicationYear): Title. Version. Publisher. ResourceType. Identifier
Author, A. (2015): Data from: Title of journal paper. Sheffield Hallam University Research Data Archive. Dataset.
Simple statement
You could also include a simple statement, such as this
The underlying research data are openly available from the Sheffield Hallam University Research Data Archive at DOI/WWW.
In a limited number of cases, access to data may have to be protected. In this case, the following template may be useful
The underlying research data can be accessed via WWW and are available on request only. Access to the data is protected because REASON. For this reason / these reasons data can only be accessed CONDITION.
Depending on circumstances, other wordings may be more appropriate
Due to ethical concerns, supporting data cannot be made openly available. Further information about the data and conditions for access are available at the Sheffield Hallam University Research Data Archive:

Supporting data will be available from the Sheffield Hallam University Research Data Archive at after a 6 month embargo from the date of publication to allow for commercialisation of research findings.

Due to confidentiality agreements with research collaborators, supporting data can only be made available to bona fide researchers subject to a non-disclosure agreement. Details of the data and how to request access are available at the Sheffield Hallam University Research Data Archive:
The University of Bath has more example data access statements that may be useful.

  • FUNDER is the name of the funding body, eg EPSRC
  • XXX is the reference number for the grant, eg EP/J011398/1
  • DOI/WWW is the DOI or persistent URL to the landing page with the metadata record for the dataset
  • REASON is an explanation of any reasons why access to the data is restricted, i.e. any legal or ethical impediments to Open Access; if access is restricted, this is required information
  • CONDITION is an explanation of the terms on which the dataset can be accessed (ie which conditions must be satisfied in order to gain access to the data)
Further Advice
For further advice contact the Research Data Management Advisory Service at