Changes to Outlook from Wednesday 11 May

May 10th, 2016 | Posted by Jennifer Kennedy in IT improvements | IT projects

outlook web app - shu 2016 imageFrom tomorrow, the University will switch to a new version of Outlook Web App (OWA).  The change will affect the look but not the functionality of this online version of Outlook which many staff use to access their emails from off campus and on mobile devices.

This change to OWA is in preparation for our move to Exchange 365 as our email service on all staff computers at the University later this year.  The roll out is planned to take place between July and December and will provide staff with considerably larger inboxes and better mobile access while at the same time reducing costs for the University.  Details of the schedule for moving to Outlook 365 will be published here shortly.

Phishing alert: There is unfortunately a phishing scam currently circulating which contains links to a fake OWA page. We have blocked access wherever possible but, as always, please be careful not to click on any links which could potentially be emailed to you fraudulently – especially if you’re working off site.  Make sure you access Outlook Web App in your usual way or find it via the home page of the staff intranet – either on the left hand side (under Online tools and email) or by choosing the Outlook Web App tab at the top of the page.   You can find details of some current phishing threats on our blog. 


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