Business Continuity Test January 2016

November 17th, 2015 | Posted by Jennifer Kennedy in IT security | Protecting the University's IT Services

All IT services will be at risk of disruption on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 January.

UEG agreed that IS&T should conduct another disaster recovery test while the University is closed over Christmas (following the success and usefulness of last year’s exercise). This year’s test will take place on 2 and 3 January as part of the University’s business continuity planning. Faculties were reminded about the dates earlier this year so submission deadlines could avoided for this weekend.

What does this mean for me?

You will need to plan your work so that you don’t rely on any IT services over that weekend and make sure students are aware they shouldn’t rely on them. There should be no assignment deadlines scheduled for this weekend but if there are deadlines shortly after that time, you must make sure your students understand that they will not be able to use turn-it in, blackboard or email over the weekend of the test and should make allowances for that. If there are any activities happening that weekend which you can’t postpone or rearrange, you will need to email Dave Thornley in IS&T  by 27 November so that we can help you plan the mitigations.

There is more information about this in the FAQs.



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