By John Helm, IT Support
The list of software which will be installed in teaching rooms for the start of semester in September is being issued to Subject Group Leaders this week. The list includes new items requested and approved by faculties through the business planning process as well as upgrades and updates to currently installed software titles. Unfortunately we are now unable to take any new requests.
The software team will shortly begin work on packaging the software (so it can be automatically installed over the network) and checking it to ensure it opens properly and works as far as our teams can trial it.
To do this, we need Subject Group Leaders to check this list for software used within their own areas, and liaise with their teams to:
• ensure the list of items is correct
• agree whether the suggested software versions are acceptable
• nominate someone to undertake testing of the software and to sign-off that it works in the teaching environment
• indicate which software is no longer required and can be uninstalled
• tell us if software needs to be deployed to additional rooms
This feedback is needed by the end of Friday 13 June. When the list has been finalised, we will publish it so that you can see what applications will be available in which rooms.
Please contact your subject group leader or see our software request process FAQs for more information. For regular updates about the IT preparations for start of year you can subscribe to this blog.