SHU staff test our new remote desktop service

May 23rd, 2014 | Posted by Jennifer Kennedy in Uncategorized

By Simon Alexander, Networks and Infrastructure

A beta version of a new Remote Desktop is being made available to all staff within the University from 6pm on Friday 23 May. You will find the link on the same page as the current supported service and there are instructions there about how to install the necessary clients and configuring your preferences.

Please use the form on the desktop to make comments and suggestions about your experience of it, we will use this to help us understand what support will be needed when this system replaces the current remote desktop service later in the year.

The new service is based on the Windows 7 Managed Desktop, with the same core software and settings available. It is accessed by an application known as vWorkspace which has been used in the University for a couple of years to deliver Teaching and Learning modules to students both within SHU and remotely. It was also used by staff to access documents on the University’s filestore from home so many of you may already be familiar with it.

The current Remote Desktop relies on the installation of Java on users’ workstations which was unpopular because automatic updates have caused connection issues in the past. IS&T has resolved these as they’ve arisen but the new service promises to be more straightforward, stable and secure and will also allow connection from mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones.

The supported Staff Remote Desktop service will remain available during the Beta release period and you should revert to using this if any issues arise while you are testing the new service.

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