University Sport & Physical Activity Research Cluster Meeting (12th November)

The upcoming University Sport & Physical Activity Research Cluster Meeting (12th November; 9am – 11.30am; HC.0.29) aims to bring together colleagues involved and interested in the area of university sport and active recreation (including physical activity). The networking event will provide an opportunity for the following:

1.       Allow academics the opportunity to come together with those delivering university sport to identify and develop research areas of need. This will assist in bringing evidence-based clarity to those delivering university sport and active recreation. The intention is also to identify research that may be of interest to students tasked with carrying out research projects at Level 6, 7 or 8.
2.       To hear from the ‘deliverers’ what would work well for them in terms of i) areas of research need ii) mechanism for receiving research i.e. what format, communication method, location/medium of communication and iii) type of research briefings i.e. user friendly ‘easy reads’ v academic journal articles.
3.       Discuss what is needed in terms of working together following the cluster meeting and what is needed to enable the priorities to be met.

Staff interested in attending should please contact Rachel Andrew on


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