Student winners of two new faculty awards

The faculty introduced two new awards in session 2018/19 to recognise some of the great work our students do outside of their curriculum. On the 18th July we held a ceremony for the winners and their guests.

Representatives from our four departments – including heads and deputy-heads – attended the ceremony alongside faculty employability departmental leads. Chris Smith, assistant dean for student experience, presented the awards.

The HWB Enterprise Award provides financial support to students with extra curricula activities. Level 5 students from across the faculty were invited to submit an application for funding together with an outline of their proposal. Those who were shortlisted were then invited to meet the panel and give a presentation on their project. The panel were both impressed and moved by the initiatives that were submitted for funding. Two of the three award winners, Clare Manley and Ian Capleton (Mental Health Nursing students) attended the celebration and presented an update on their project. The third winner, Ellie Clements (Physiotherapy student), was unfortunately unable to attend.

Clare Manley won an HWB Enterprise Award

The HWB Inspirational Student Award provided the opportunity for students and staff to nominate a learner who had inspired them during the academic year. This award was across all levels and modes of study in the faculty. A total of forty-one students were nominated and there were eight award winners.

The panel, formed from staff and students, made the decisions using the definitions of inspiration produced by Departmental Student representatives. As part of their prize, the winners will have their photograph, including their name and the award title, displayed near to their department – hopefully inspiring other students. The winners also received a certificate of their achievement and a copy of their photograph. All nominees received a letter of congratulations from Professor Alison Metcalfe (Faculty Pro-Vice Chancellor) together with a copy of their nominations.

Inspirational Student Award winners 2018/19:

Nancy Figuerora Turner
Beth Kirk
Clare Manley
Bryony Lazenby
Lucy Nodding
Michelle Paddy
Emily Peers
Rwina Saeed

Bryony Lazenby, winner of an Inspirational Student Award

The student view on the introduction of the award was provided by two of the winners, Bryony Lazenby and Ian Capelton.

Bryony Lazenby (winner of an Inspirational Student Award)

“My reflection on the awards would be that I think it’s an excellent idea to provide parity between staff and students by putting up pictures of the winners around campus. I think this will make being an inspirational student more inclusive and accessible to other students across the University. Of course, this wouldn’t be possible without the ongoing support and advocacy from HWB staff. Breaking down barriers to enable students to reach their full potential is extremely important and these awards feel like they will help with this.”

Ian Capelton (winner of an Enterprise Award)

“The whole thing has been such an inspiring and rewarding experience! Obviously, the financial assistance allowed me to follow through with a project I am passionate about; however, it was the encouragement and enthusiasm from the staff that was just as enriching. I feel that the enterprises that were selected have the potential to really make a difference and that’s so exciting, especially as it embodies what the faculty is all about”.

Staff from departmental leadership teams attended the ceremony alongside employability leads

The awards will continue in session 2019/20. Further information will be made available to staff to help raise awareness of the awards to them and their students. Colleagues can also contact Catherine Arnold or Bridget Winwood for further information.

Our thanks to Catherine Arnold and Bridget Winwood for their contribution to this article.


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