A day in the life of a Professor

Name: Simona Francese

Job Title: Professor of Forensic and Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry

How did you get your job?

In February 2019 it will be 11 years ago. I applied for a lectureship post in forensics which I did not get. However 2 months later I was offered, with no further interview, a temporary lectureship in Biomedical Sciences. The post became permanent after 3 months employment.

How do you usually start your day?

Since I had my beautiful daughter Grace, my “morning routine” has very much changed and much like 100 miles an hour from the moment my eyes open.

I used to get to work at 8, now it is 9 am despite Grace “involves me” in a very early start at 6 am”. It’s cuddles, milk, cartoons, chasing my daughter around the house for dressing, breakfast, brushing teeth, having the grand total of around 8 minutes to make myself decently shaped for show time at work!

Can you sum up the main aspects of your role?

I am heavily engaged in both teaching and research. I teach analytical science at levels 5, 6 and 7 leading 3 modules (with a forth level 7 in September). I lead the finger-mark research group (presently two PhD students and 1 post-doctoral assistant) which has pioneered the development of mass spectrometry based technology to profile suspects from the molecular content of their finger-marks. I am also the Impact Lead for the Biomolecular Sciences Research Centre, designing and driving strategies for the submission of the best possible impact case studies in the next REF exercise

The best part of your job is…

Every time a contribution to new knowledge in the area of molecular fingerprint is made and how this research engages and influences current and prospective students in pursuing a career in science.

What is the most memorable moment from your career?

Thankfully I have many memorable moments. My best three are:

1) The first time the molecular fingerprinting research has been implemented in police casework in 2016

2) When I was promoted to Professor in February 2018 (still not sunk in)

3) My TED talk in April 2018- TED Talk

Have you any interesting Hobbies?

I like crafting miniature food!

Tell us something about yourself your colleagues might not know about you?

They would not know (judging by how much I struggle these days on two flights of stairs when the lifts are busy) that I was a gymnast (many moons ago) and a very good one indeed!


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