Hallam academics recognised for teaching excellence

Three Sheffield Hallam University academics have been recognised with national awards celebrating outstanding achievements in learning and teaching in higher education.

Dr David Smith, Sue Beckingham and Dr Kim Bowerhave been awarded National Teaching Fellowships by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) in recognition of how they have influenced teaching practice and inspired learners.

A National Teaching Fellowship is the most prestigious individual award for excellence in teaching in higher education and is awarded for individual excellence, raising the profile of excellence and developing excellence.

Dr David Smith is a senior lecturer in biochemistry and molecular biology at Sheffield Hallam.  He is a Senior Fellow of the HEA and has been awarded the student-nominated Sheffield Hallam University Inspirational Teaching Award three times.

He received his fellowship for his teaching passion and for his use of active learning techniques including objects and 3D models to stimulate students’ imagination.

I am totally blown away to be awarded a national teaching fellowship and it is a real honour to have my practice recognised at this level. To know that my teaching is valued by my students and has inspired them to transform themselves makes it all worthwhile.

The award means a great deal personally as it comes after many years of innovation, wonderful comments from my students and peers and learning from others. Dr David Smith

The recipients will officially receive their award at a ceremony in London in November.

For the full story visit Sheffield Hallam Media Centre


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