Archive for Keep learning - page 6

Psychological first aid…

Psychological first aid…

…and the support people  can provide to those in distress. Just like general first aid, psychological first aid is just one aspect of coping with issues that affect our personal wellbeing. This is the theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day, set by the…

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SHU celebrates National Coming Out Day

SHU celebrates National Coming Out Day

If you’re over at Collegiate Campus, why not pop into Heart of the Campus (opposite the reception desk) on Tuesday 11 October between 12 and 2pm to find out more about National Coming Out Day and why it’s so important to everyone. Drop by and…

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What are we doing for World Mental Health Day?

What are we doing for World Mental Health Day?

At Sheffield Hallam we’re keen to raise awareness of the issues and stigma that are associated with mental ill health and to promote positive mental health for all students and staff.  To that end we’re involved in a number of initiatives that promote positive change around mental health, and two…

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Managing your money – workshops

Managing your money – workshops

Student Support Services will be running two ‘Managing your money’ workshops at The Bridge in October. Students can book onto a session via UniHub. Below is the publicity going out to students for your information: Managing your money workshops Wednesday 12 October, 2pm – 3pm…

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Missing You – support for bereavement and loss

Missing You – support for bereavement and loss

One of the inevitable facts of life is that we will experience the death of a loved one. This might be a parent, a child, a friend or neighbour, a classmate or work colleague. Sometimes the loss will be as a result of illness or…

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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

Monday 10th October is World Mental Health Day which is an international day dedicated to raising awareness of mental health issues. Just as we have physical health, we all have mental health, and raising awareness is key to challenging stigma, discrimination and promoting good mental…

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Mindfullness and how to book yourself a session

Mindfullness and how to book yourself a session

Student Wellbeing is running a series of group sessions throughout the academic year to support students with common personal issues. The first session is Mindfulness next Wednesday 5 October and students can book via shuspace #healthyhallam #5waystowellbeing  

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Fancy a bit of ‘down time’?

Fancy a bit of ‘down time’?

How about trying out a meditation session to help redress your busy schedule? Sessions are available at 1pm, every Wednesday during term time. You’ll find full details in the events calendar. It’s also a great example of Keep learning and Take notice that you could…

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Feeling inspired?

Feeling inspired?

Has Healthy Hallam caught your attention? Have you had ideas about how you can make small changes in your life? If you’re interested in writing a guest post for the Healthy Hallam blog to tell us what you’re up to or you just want to…

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Brilliant news!

Brilliant news!

We’re so excited – you’ve already started entering the Healthy Hallam competition! Find out how to enter the competition here and keep your entries coming! #healthyhallam #5waystowellbeing

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