Last year over 70 Universities took part in University Mental Health Day the UK’s largest university mental health campaign.
Alongside this the Students’ Union are running – Mind Your Head, a week long campaign to raise awareness of mental health
Here’s how you can get involved at either City and Collegiate Campus or both!
10am – 3pm Table tennis, giveaways and information on getting active – Atrium Level 2 (City Campus) and Heart of the Campus (Collegiate Campus)
11am – 1.30pm T-shirt Printing Workshop – The Common Room (The Hubs City Campus)
1.30pm – 2.30pm Yoga – The Common Room (The Hubs City Campus)
2.30pm – 4.30pm Head Massage – The Common Room (The Hubs City Campus)
1pm – 4pm Springboard Social Network – Sheffield Mind – Coffee Union (The Hubs City Campus)
The Springboard – do you need help and encouragement to improve your situation? Do you need information and support to do this? Are you ready to challenge yourself?
If the answer is YES then read on …the Springboard is for people with mental health problems who are ready to begin, or are on the road to recovery.
It is a place where you can come along and have a chat about your situation and find out what is available to help you on your recovery journey. You can read more here
Let us know what you do!
#healthyhallam #5waystowellbeing #mentalhealth #takenotice