It’s Student Volunteering Week!

#Giving is one of the 5 ways to wellbeing
Giving and receiving is the simplest and most fundamental way of building trust between people. Helping, sharing, giving and team orientated behaviours are likely to be associated with an increased sense of self-worth and positive feelings. Feelings of happiness and life satisfaction have been strongly associated with active participate in social and community life.
The University’s relationship with the Sheffield City Region is very important. In relation to ‘giving’ this includes supporting students to integrate within their local communities, providing opportunities for volunteering and ensuring students have a voice. At a personal level giving might include taking time to chat to your neighbour or committing an act of kindness once a week over a month.
From February the 20th – 26th it’s Student Volunteering Week, it’s a unique week-long opportunity where the whole of the country will be getting involved!
For you this could mean meeting new people, exploring every corner of Sheffield and doing amazing things for the local community!
Each day the Students’ Union are offering a great range of activities
View the full timetable of activities here
If you’ve got an idea for a project, initiative or event you’d like to be part of the programme, email

#healthyhallam #5waystowellbeing #give