£1 Wednesday Wins – for you!

Are you on a budget? Here’s some great news – it’s £1 Wednesday on the 25th January!
This means all items in all catering outlets are £1, when bought using your SHUcard on Wednesday 25th Jan
Top up your SHUcard now and take advantage of this great offer
If you miss out on £1 Wednesday visit the Proven Bakehouse in Cantor where everything is £1 when you pay using your SHUcard.
There’s savoury favourites including filled baguettes, pasties, pies and pasta pots as well as a selection of hot and cold drinks and cakes. Open Monday – Friday, 9am–4.30pm.
Be money wise – these may help you
Where can I get help with budgeting?
Money worries
The Student Union Advice Centre has plenty of advice on budgeting including an online budget planner