7 more sleeps!

Eek – it’s time to get your skates on if you’d like to enter the Healthy Hallam competition – only 7 more sleeps to go!
Wondering what it’s all about?
The final entry day for the competition is Tuesday 22nd November!
All these examples below are how you might already be including the 5 ways to wellbeing into your life and ones which you can use to enter the competition for a FitBit Blaze or £100 SHUcard credit…
volunteering, helping a friend out, joining a club or society, learning a language, helping other students, taking the stairs rather than the lift, doing extra course reading, exploring Sheffield, being part of a facebook support group, trying out a new skill, attending a study skills session, kick boxing, being mindful, cooking a meal for a friend…
#healthyhallam #5waystowellbeing