Interfaith week – here’s your quick guide!

Interfaith Week 2016 starts Sunday 13th to Sunday 20th November
Building good relationships and working partnerships between people of different faiths and beliefs is part of the year-round work of many people and organisations across the UK
Having a special Week provides a focal point, helping to open inter faith activity up to a wider audience so that more and more people are made aware of the importance of this work and can join in.
The 3 aims of the week are
  • strengthening good inter faith relations at all levels
  • increasing awareness of the different and distinct faith communities in the UK, in particular celebrating and building on the contribution which their members make to their neighbourhoods and to wider society
  • increasing understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs
How about trying one of these ideas? Why not make a commitment to find out five facts about a religion that you know nothing or little about. You can do this online or through a book or, better still, by talking with someone from that religion. Our chaplaincy has representatives from many different religious traditions who would be happy to chat with you at any time throughout the year. Just click on the link to find their contact details.
Sheffield Interfaith will be celebrating the week with an event on Sunday 19th November that includes visits to four different places of worship
Anyone can join in!