Missing You – support for bereavement and loss

One of the inevitable facts of life is that we will experience the death of a loved one. This might be a parent, a child, a friend or neighbour, a classmate or work colleague. Sometimes the loss will be as a result of illness or old age; sometimes unexpectedly and suddenly. However it occurs, the death of someone we know can hit us hard and affect us in a variety of different ways.
Talking with others is good way of beginning to come to terms with what has happened and gaining an understanding of the thoughts, feelings and emotions that surface following the death of someone we have known. To that end, a fortnightly meeting for students will be offered by Student Wellbeing/Chaplaincy beginning on Wednesday October 12th, from 2pm-3pm at the Multifaith Centre (Floor 2, Owen Building). The sessions will be facilitated by Ian Maher (University Chaplain)Ian Mather and Janet Hawksworth (Quaker Faith Advisor), both of whom have many Janet Hawksworth (2)years of experience in working with people who have suffered a bereavement. There will be tea/coffee and cakes!
So if you are feeling the effects of the death of a family member or friend and would value a space to be able to share with others who are experiencing something similar why not come along to one of the sessions? You will soon be able to book onto the sessions directly by searching ‘Student Wellbeing’ on shuspace. Meanwhile, to register your interest or to find out more, contact Ian Maher (University Chaplain) on (0114) 225 4577 or i.maher@shu.ac.uk. 
We hope to offer something similar for staff before too long. In the meantime, Ian is available for individual meetings with staff members who have experienced a bereavement. Please contact him directly.
#healthyhallam #5waystowellbeing