Connecting with Professional Practice Online Symposium


Are you a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University who would like to develop contacts with external organisations? Are you a researcher at Sheffield Hallam University who works with external organisations? Do you work at an external organisation and would like to build business links with the University / find out more about individual career opportunities within Higher Education? If so, come and


Supporting and promoting student well-being in 20/21 and beyond


This session, facilitated by Prof Ann Macaskill and Dr Antonia Ypsilanti will explore the benefit of integrating positive psychology in our approach to student support and curriculum design through discussing research and development work undertaken at SHU in the past year and during the lockdown. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own experiences during lock down, and explore possible


Student-led assessment, in an online or blended learning context


This webinar, led by Dr Simon Riley, University of Edinburgh, and based on his work, will explore student-led assessment, as part of Student-Led, Individually-Created Courses (SLICCs). SLICCs provide students with a reflective experiential learning and assessment framework using an e-portfolio, based around five generic learning outcomes .  The framework is flexible - so from Foundation to Professional PhD, for single


Ethics of Evaluation webinar


This webinar will be facilitated by an independent researcher Dr Helen Kara, who will explore the following questions with participants: Are university students, who become research or evaluation participants, a special case of ‘participant’ for research ethics purposes? Does evaluation research in universities need ethical approval? How ethical is the current evaluation research at SHU? Is a university employee, conducting


Developing online and remote exams


In this webinar, Jayne Revill (BTE), will share her own experience of online and remote exams and will introduce participants to a number of the tools available as well as guidance, including tips and pitfalls. The participants will have the opportunity to learn from each other's experience, ask questions and plan for 2020/21.


Assessing student employability skills in an online environment


This session, led by Sue Beckingham (BTE), will focus on the use of digital and social media in helping students develop leadership, teamwork and professional communication skills and how this might be assessed. The participants will have the opportunity to consider Sue's research and practice in this area as well as share their own.


SFHEA/PFHEA Forum virtual afternoon


Come and exchange ideas for future events, share experiences and catch up with colleagues across the institution with your favourite hot or cold drink. No need to book. Join here on the day: If you have any questions, please contact Christine O'Leary (Hallam Guild S/PFHEA Group Lead) at


PGR Wellbeing ‘Need to Know’ Session (Students)


The PGR Wellbeing group was established in 2019 with support from the Hallam Guild to develop a better shared understanding of the specific needs of PGR students, the support available and best practice approaches, activities and interventions.  It is important that both PGR students and their supervisors know what help is available to support their wellbeing and feel confident in accessing the appropriate services


PGR Wellbeing ‘Need to Know’ Session (Supervisors)


The PGR Wellbeing group was established in 2019 with support from the Hallam Guild to develop a better shared understanding of the specific needs of PGR students, the support available and best practice approaches, activities and interventions.  It is important that both PGR students and their supervisors know what help is available to support their wellbeing and feel confident in accessing the appropriate services


Spark! Disabled Staff Network – Meet the committee


Spark! - Meet the committee Would you like to know more about Spark! the disabled staff network? Perhaps you’d like to know more about what we want to achieve or how you can get involved. Bring your own coffee/tea (children and pets also welcome) and come and have an informal chat! All staff are welcome to join, there's no need
