Participation in the GROW Programme has benefits for Mentors and for Mentees (see GROW Principles). The programme is active and supportive, involving dialogue and interaction between Graduate Mentors and Pupils, supported by Schools.  See below the details of how we recognise and acknowledge the achievement of mentors and pupils through the award of digital badges* and certificates.

For Pupils we award:

  • five digital Badges awarded for completing tasks and activities, awarded via the Badgr micro-credentialling platform (see our issuer page)
  • digital Certificate of Participation from Sheffield Institute of Education at Sheffield Hallam University

For Mentors we award:

  • two digital Badges awarded for completing tasks and activities, awarded via the Badgr micro-credentialling platform (see our issuer page)
  • option to take modules in the Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice in Mentoring
* For information about digital badges and how they can be used see here.

Criteria for awarding Badges and Certificates

Pupil Badge 1: Responsibility Taker

As the holder of this badge you have successfully completed the activities in workbooks 1 and 2 of the GROW Mentoring Programme, covering these topics:

  • Staying Safe
    • Meeting and sharing with my mentor
    • Thinking about where I am now
    • Examining my feelings about lockdown
  • Taking Responsibility
    • Looking at my 2030 self
    • Considering the things that take me forward and the things that hold me back
    • Reviewing my engagement

Pupil Badge 2: Skills Builder

As the holder of this badge you have successfully completed the activities in workbooks 3 and 4 of the GROW Mentoring Programme, covering these topics:

  • Looking Back to Look Forward
    • Writing a letter to your 11-year-old self
    • Thinking about your steps to success
    • Thinking about how lockdown has affected you
    • Completing skills builder on teamwork
    • Learn more about options for Post-16
  • Building Skills
    • Identifying the skills for aiming higher
    • Considering what is needed in a ‘Team Me’ Action Plan
    • Reviewing your engagement with the Grow Programme and your mentor

Pupil Badge 3: Reflective Learner

As the holder of this badge you have successfully completed the activities in workbooks 5 and 6 of the GROW Mentoring Programme, covering these topics:

  • Learning Success and Progress
    • Thinking about planning, monitoring and evaluating a journey
    • Thinking about your academic strengths and weaknesses
  • Addressing Curriculum Gaps
    • Reviewing strengths and weaknesses in your focus subject
    • Thinking about how to move forward in your focus subject

Pupil Badge 4: Strategic Learner

As the holder of this badge you have successfully completed the activities in workbooks 7 and 8 of the GROW Mentoring Programme, covering these topics:

  • Deepening Subject Knowledge and Skills
    • Learning about different revision strategies
    • Trying out practice testing
  • Preparing for Assessment
    • Making up a mnemonic
    • Discussing how to use flashcards
    • Applying revision strategies to your focus topic

Pupil Badge 5: Future Planner

As the holder of this badge you have successfully completed the activities in Workbook 9 and 10 of the GROW Mentoring Programme, covering these topics:

  • Imagining the Future
    • Completing the skills builder about staying positive
    • Considering my journey to 2030
    • Thinking about potential paths for Post-16
  • Preparing for the Future
    • Thinking about my journey through the GROW Programme
    • Choosing my own path
    • Writing a letter to my future self

Completion of all five digital badges qualifies you for a Certificate of Participation, awarded by Sheffield Hallam University.

Mentor Badge 1: Mentor Training

The holder of this badge has successfully completed the activities in the 25-hour Graduate Mentor Training Programme covering a range of topics related to mentoring in a school context. To successfully complete the Graduate Mentor Training Programme the holder of this badge has:

  • Provided evidence of engagement with the 25-hour programme, including participation in webinars, discussions, and group activities.
  • Contributed to the discussion of strategies for developing mentees to address scenarios and critical incidents in mentoring.
  • Completed activities online, centred on issues related to supporting and guiding mentees in schools.
  • Submitted a completed Graduate Mentor Development Training Log with appropriate reflections on professional practice and skills in supporting and guiding mentees.
  • Evaluated the content, forms, and format of professional development materials for mentors.

Mentor Badge 2: Supporting and Guiding Mentees

The holder of this badge has successfully completed the mentoring activities in the 15-hour Pupil Mentoring Programme covering a range of topics related to mentoring in a school context. To successfully complete the Graduate Mentor Training Programme the holder of this badge has:

  • Monitored and recorded mentees’ engagement and learning in the 15-hour programme, including participation in online mentoring sessions.
  • Supported and guided mentees to develop strategies for return to learning, for deepening learning and for planning the future.
  • Completed structured activities online, following a programme of mentoring, while adapting the activity to the needs of mentees.
  • Submitted a completed Pupil Mentoring Log for each mentee, with appropriate reflections on mentees’ learning and skills, and evaluation of the materials for mentoring