Read about Ivy from SCOPE in Hong Kong’s time at Sheffield Hallam

Ivy is a student who studies Applied Social Sciences at SCOPE in Hong Kong, which is one of Sheffield Hallam’s partner institutions. Here, Ivy tells GoGlobal about her semester in Sheffield and studying at Sheffield Hallam.

What you are doing/have done while being a student to help you achieve your goals?
I studied my Associate Degree in Social Sciences before I studied my SCOPE course and I wanted to broaden my critical thinking skills, so therefore I look the Policy Pathway for my SCOPE course.
The SCOPE course provides me with the quicker, shorter route to complete my degree course, and my interest is in communication and marketing, especially in cognitive psychology.

Tell us about your extracurricular experience; why did you want to join/take part?
I have been an open day ambassador during my SCOPE course in which I talked to prospective students about my course and the essential skills required for the course such as time management and attending talks. Also, I have told them about the scholarship opportunities which I have been a lucky recipient of, for the opportunity to study abroad for a semester at Sheffield Hallam.

How has the scholarship benefited you?
I prefer the learning style and the pace of learning here. Also, I was able to study modules that I have a keen interest in, such as cognitive psychology and biology which is useful when I pursue further studies.

What are your career aspirations for the future?
I am planning to either undertake a period of work experience after my studies before pursuing a Masters at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, possibly in Communication.

Many thanks to Ivy for sharing her experience of studying here in Sheffield, we hope she has enjoyed her semester abroad!