China UK Entrepreneurship Competition

recruitment poster by ting ni

 Do you have a creative idea for a business venture involving the UK and China?

Do you want a share of the 13,000 in cash prizes? Do you wish to build your international network of contacts?

Do you expect to receive professional suggestions on your business plan?

Then, please join in the 8th China UK Entrepreneurship Challenge Competition! The competition is open to all university teams both in the UK and China. Teams will be selected to participate in the final competition for winning: 13,000 cash prizes. An investment opportunity of 500,000 for the best business plan!

A possible free work space in London for up to one year provided by Cocoon Global ltd! Overall timetable of events

1. Registration and outline proposal deadline: Monday 18 May, led by CIDA;

2. Evaluation, selection and notification of best 20 teams: Thursday 21 May, led by Lancaster University and CIDA, with all other universities;

3. Mentoring workshop, selection of 8 semi-finalists: Thursday 28 May, led by UCL with UEA and University of Edinburgh;

4. Semi-final: Thursday 25 June, led by Lancaster University;

5. Final: Friday 3 July, hosted by Bank of China, led by CIDA with all other universities.

To find out more, please visit: or

Application and inquiry address:

Welcome to join our group on WeChat: ruguowoshiyu2007 Initial registration, proposal submission and selection deadline is 5pm Monday 18th May 2015. The competition is held by University of College of London (UCL), University of Edinburg, University of Lancaster, Northumbria University, and University of East Anglia (UEA).







马上报名免费参加第八届中英创业大赛吧 !

大赛对所有在英国和中国的在校学生团队开放 !

入选团队将会参加最终决赛比拼,赢取一万三千英镑大奖 !

优秀的商业策划将有可能获得由科控全球资本提供的50万英镑投资 !

和在伦敦长达一年的免费办公场所 !












此次大赛由英国五大名校: 伦敦大学学院,爱丁堡大学,兰卡斯特大学,诺桑比亚大学,以及东英格利亚大学联合主办。

Meet past Enterprise Challenge competition finalists and a business mentor

  • Wednesday 22April
  • 5.30pm-7.30pm
  • Showroom Café

Come and hear from past Enterprise Challenge finalists!Gallery

This will be your chance to ask them your questions on what starting up in business is like, how the competition helped them and to find out what they have achieved since they entered the competition and won a prize!

Find a mentor!

The evening is also a chance to come and network with local business people who would like to offer mentoring support to those who have entered the competition or those who would like some additional support. Although the Enterprise Team at Sheffield Hallam University can arrange 1:1 specialist advice for those interested in being self-employed, these are in structured weekly or monthly appointments. The benefits of a mentor are:

  • It is the chance to talk over your ideas with someone else (although the Research and Innovation Office offers 1:1 specialist advice these are on a weekly or monthly booked appointment basis. A mentor can offer additional support, as listed below, at other times)
  • It is likely to be someone who has had similar experiences and problems to you
  • They are likely to have additional contacts that they can put you in touch with
  • They will be able to give you advice on specific areas of self-employment and business
  • It builds up your professional skills. You will need to arrange the meetings and liaise with the mentor in a professional manner
  • The mentor has volunteered their time, they want to help you!

1 free drink will be available on arrival and a light buffet will be available throughout the evening

The speakers at this years event include:

Belinda Noda and Paul Stanton – 2014 winner of Enterprise Challenge, winner of the Audience Vote at the Enterprise Awards Dinner and winner of the Best Manufacturable Product prize

Matt Parks – Winner of the second prize in Enterprise Challenge 2014 and Audience Vote runner up

Liz Poxon and Claire Turner – Winners of third place in Enterprise Challenge 2013

Enterprise Challenge is Sheffield Hallam University’s annual business start up competition.

From 13th February to 9th March we received 72 entries for Enterprise Challenge. Through different stages of the competition there is both 1:1 training and workshops to give all those that enter the chance to win a first prize of £5000, a second prize of £1000 and a third prize of £500. There is also a new prize this year of £2000 for the best Manufacturable Product and £2000 for the best Social Enterprise

To find out more about the support available from the Enterprise Team for those interested in becoming self-employed visit our website

Help fellow students with their research

‘We are five students from Sheffield Hallam University and within the scope of our module “consultancy project” we serve and help a real client.

Our client is Turtle Tech Repairs shop, Sheffield. It is an independent repair company based in the centre of Sheffield. Specialising in PCs, Laptops, Smartphones, GHDs and many other technical devices.The shop is located next to Sheffield Hallam University, behind the Globe pub. If you follow the driveway down where the green footprints are you will find the shop in the court yard.

This questionnaire was created in order to receive some customer feedback for Turtle Tech Repairs and gain information about the shop’s current situation in Sheffield.

The survey will take no longer than 5 minutes. The time frame is approximately 14 days, so we would appreciate it if you could complete it by April the 14 2015.

We guarantee confidentiality and anonymity and therefore no personal information will be shared with third party and your name will be strictly anonymous.

Your feedback is important and helps us and the client. Go to

Thank you. We really appreciate your help.
Consultancy Project Team Turtle Tech’

Important changes affecting International Students

Here are a number of changes which may affect you if you are an International Student:

Exit Checks
From 8 April 2015, the Home Office will check the immigration status of those leaving, as well as entering, the UK.

Information about passengers who travel using scheduled commercial flights will be gathered in the same way as now, using advance passenger information. There will be more checks than usual for those travelling in other ways, for example, by train or ferry, so allow more time to go through immigration controls before your departure.

The Home Office has published guidance about how exit checks should work:

Who is entitled to free NHS care from 6 April 2015?
The rules about who is entitled to free hospital treatment from the NHS (National Health Service) are changing on 6 April 2015.  UKCISA has produced a useful summary about hospital treatment that starts on or after 6 April 2015. Please note that this information might still change, and we will keep you updated.–more/Health-and-healthcare/Who-is-entitled-to-free-hospital-treatment-after-6-April-2015/

Spring Immigration rules changes
There are various changes to the immigration rules from April 2015. You can read a summary of those changes here:

Work visa rules changes
You can read about changes to work visas which might be relevant to you after you graduate here:


This Week’s News

Monday 30 March 2015

In this week’s edition…
Student Voice
  • If you are a Commonwealth student, there’s still time to register to vote. Don’t leave it too late!
  • If you are interested in working full-time in the UK after you graduate, then Working in the UK after studies sessions provide information about Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 5 visa routes.
  • The visa fees increased proposed by the Home Office will come into effect from April 2015.  Find out more here to see if this affects you.
  • Is your visa due to expire soon? You must attend a group session.


Best wishes,

International Student Support Team

Viva Africa & Culture Connect Celebration

  • 6pm-7.30pm, Wednesday 1 April
  • The Heartspace, City Campus

This event is open to all students and is free for everyone to attend!

Join Global Community (a Students’ Union society) for a spectacular showcase of African culture. You will get to watch talented performances, play fun activities and appreciate a mini exhibition. 

Global Community aims to instigate multicultural interactions and are especially delighted to see the successful completion of the Culture Connect peer mentoring scheme by many SHU students. Later in the evening, they will be hosting the scheme end ceremony.


Visa fee increase – starting April

The Home Office have published information on the proposed visa fee increases from April 2015.

Please be aware that if your Tier 4 visa is due to expire after 5 April 2015, the new fee you will have to pay from 6 April 2015 will be £439 instead of £422.

The following application fees are also increasing:

 Tier 1 Graduate entrepreneur will increase from £422 to £456;

Tier 2 General will increase from £601 to £651;

BRP replacement will increase from £40 to £45;

Transfer of Conditions will increase from £107 to £183

International students and referencing

Get some tips from students about referencing your academic work including:

  • Lending your essay to others – friendship or deception?
  • Recycling – good for cans and bottles but not for academic work
  • When referencing your sources, how much is enough?
  • Too close for comfort – collaboration or cheating?
  • Words, data, computer code, pictures – what do they all have in common?

Go to for help.

Anxious about deadlines? Overwhelmed with revision?

Revision and exams can be an extremely stressful period for students.

If you feel that you are not coping and need support, Big White Wall can help. They offer 24/7 anonymous online support, so you can share your worries in a safe environment. To sign up, simply go to and enter your university email address.

Create a brick- Deadlines

Also, watch out for the next edition of International Students’ News when we will be posting an article about coping with exam stress.


Are you a student and have a family? Check out the support available to you…

Last week was declared ‘Family Friendly Week‘ by the Advice and Information Team and thanks to this a series of articles were posted on their blog, all aimed at helping students with families get the most out of University life and the local community.

There were top tips from a guest blogger about how she manages juggling family life with her academic studies, ideas for activities to keep your kids busy over the Easter holidays, advice on managing your time and your finances and loads of useful links to local organisations and services, including support available within the University itself.

You can see all the posts here.

If you want to receive future blog posts from the Advice and Information team you can also subscribe to the blog too.