International Student Health Project

Don’t miss your chance to tell us what you would like included in our new International Student Health Project. The first topic is Healthy Relationships.

What should it include? Tell us now by filling in this short one-minute survey.



Trip to Bakewell Christmas Market- Saturday 28 November

As part of our ‘Introducton to British Culture’ events we have organised a trip to the delightful market town of Bakewell.

Bakewell is a very typical English village.  We will be taking the bus to which is approximately £6, there is no need to book in advance for this trip.

Please meet our student crew at the main University entrance (City Campus) at 10am.



Complete the Student Barometer Survey!

3981-3 plasmaAt Sheffield Hallam University we’re committed to improving the student experience for everyone, and we work in partnership with you to make that happen.

What is the Student Barometer survey?

It’s a survey of Sheffield Hallam students that takes place every year. It helps us to better understand your perceptions of the University and it gives you the chance to comment on different aspects of your student experience and put your ideas forward for change.

Who runs the survey?

It’s conducted by i-graduate, a world-leading company who specialises in gathering customer insight and helping education providers enhance the quality of their services.

Why should you complete the survey?

This is your opportunity to tell us where we are doing well and where we can improve. The results are used to make the changes you want to see. Find out how your feedback makes a real difference.

As a thank you for completing the survey, there is a chance to win

  • a £1,000 cash prize in i-graduate’s prize draw
  • an Apple i-Pad or Amazon gift vouchers in the University’s prize draw
  • Plus, everyone who completes the survey will receive a voucher for a free hot drink*.

At the end of the survey, you can also nominate someone who has made an inspirational or transformative contribution to your student experience for an Inspirational Teacher Award.

When does the survey happen?

Once a year. The survey is live from Monday 2 to Friday 27 November 2015.

How long does the survey take?

It should take approximately 15 minutes of your time.

Will my answers by anonymous?

Yes. All responses are confidential and anonymous, and will only be used to improve our courses and services and for research purposes. You cannot be identified through the results.

How do I complete the survey

You will receive emails about the survey from Monday 2 November onwards, you can follow the link that will be provided in your email. Alternatively you can access the survey from from Monday 2 November.

*Terms and conditions apply

Have your say – and a chance to win a Kindle paperwhite

Have you say pictureIt’s quick and it’s easy!

The library are running a competition – Two minutes of your time = your opportunity to help shape the library study skills programme and enter into the prize draw for a Kindle paperwhite!

Take the 2 minute survey here and make a difference!

Good luck in the prize draw and thanks for your time.

This week’s news

Friday 6 November 2015

Student voice

Best wishes,

International Experience Team

Help create an International Recipe Book

At Sheffield Hallam Students’ Union we are publishing an international recipe book made up of submissions from our students, and we need your recipes!

So if you have any great recipes from your home countries that you want to share with the world, follow this link and submit them before the 11 November:

Complete the Student Barometer Survey!

3981-3 plasmaAt Sheffield Hallam University we’re committed to improving the student experience for everyone, and we work in partnership with you to make that happen.

What is the Student Barometer survey?

It’s a survey of Sheffield Hallam students that takes place every year. It helps us to better understand your perceptions of the University and it gives you the chance to comment on different aspects of your student experience and put your ideas forward for change.

Who runs the survey?

It’s conducted by i-graduate, a world-leading company who specialises in gathering customer insight and helping education providers enhance the quality of their services.

Why should you complete the survey?

This is your opportunity to tell us where we are doing well and where we can improve. The results are used to make the changes you want to see. Find out how your feedback makes a real difference.

As a thank you for completing the survey, there is a chance to win

  • a £1,000 cash prize in i-graduate’s prize draw
  • an Apple i-Pad or Amazon gift vouchers in the University’s prize draw

Plus, everyone who completes the survey will receive a voucher for a free hot drink*.

At the end of the survey, you can also nominate someone who has made an inspirational or transformative contribution to your student experience for an Inspirational Teacher Award.

When does the survey happen?

Once a year. The survey is live from Monday 2 to Friday 27 November 2015.

How long does the survey take?

It should take approximately 15 minutes of your time.

Will my answers by anonymous?

Yes. All responses are confidential and anonymous, and will only be used to improve our courses and services and for research purposes. You cannot be identified through the results.

How do I complete the survey

You will receive emails about the survey from Monday 2 November onwards, you can follow the link that will be provided in your email. Alternatively you can access the survey from from Monday 2 November.

*Terms and conditions apply