Orientation Schedule – September 2016

September is finally here! If you’re a new international student and you’re wondering where you need to go or what to do in your first few days, then you’re in safe hands.

Our orientation schedule has been designed so that you can get all the information you need, meet lots of fantastic new friends and feel settled into life in Sheffield! There’s a whole range of activities including, medical registration, tours of the city and campus, as well as social events to help you meet new people.

The schedule can be found here. If you have any questions about any of the events or coming to Sheffield, then feel free to email our team and we will be able to help.


SHU GoGlobal Fair

There are so many exciting projects you can get involved with at Sheffield Hallam University. Come along to the Go Global Fair and meet students who have taken part in these activities.

There will be a range of stalls in the Heartspace Cafe from 2–4pm on Monday 19 September with short talks in nearby classrooms and free giveaways.

These include sessions about Culture Connect  our peer mentoring scheme– studying and working abroad, as well as working for the International Experience Team as an ICE Club member. There are some fantastic projects to get involved in, and they all look great on your CV!

For more information and updates, like our SHU GoGlobal Facebook page 

Apply now for Culture Connect

Wherever you’re from, you belong – join our Culture Connect peer mentoring scheme and meet people from all over the world!

This mentoring scheme helps new students settle into university life. It is a great way to meet people from all over the world and learn about different cultures. You will be matched with a mentor who you will develop a one-to-one supportive mentoring relationship with.

You will share information about your cultures, experiences and traditions, as well as attend social activities and skills training sessions with other members.

Check out this great video from our mentors and mentees, where they talk about the benefits of joining the scheme:

To register your interest, visit: go.shu.ac.uk/ApplyCC

Help with APA referencing

When you write an assignment or create any piece of academic work, you will be drawing upon information you have read in books, journal articles and other sources. You will be expected to acknowledge these sources through referencing.

The APA 6th ed. referencing style is a widely recognised style following the author/date referencing method also used in Harvard styles.

From September 2016, Sheffield Hallam University will be moving to using this system, and our team in the Adsetts Library have put together this helpful toolbox to explain the best practices for using it in your work. The guide includes videos, examples and guidance about using online tools and apps to reference correctly.

Welcome to Sheffield Hallam University!

We’d like to warmly welcome all of our new and returning students, whether you’re coming to Sheffield to study, or are enrolling at one of our fantastic partnership institutions!

Here in the SHU GoGlobal team, September is one of our favourite times of the year as it’s when we get to see a lot of old – and a few new – faces!

We will be on hand to update you with anything happening across our two campuses, as well as events and achievements from our friends in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Botswana and Malaysia! If you have anything that you’d like to see posted by us for our readers to see, then please do get in touch.

You can like our page on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or email us and we’ll see what we can do.

Good luck to everyone starting the new semester!

Sheffield Fayre

The annual Sheffield Fayre comes back to Norfolk Park for some good old-fashioned family fun!

The Fayre features a number of traditional British summertime activities, including a horticultural show, dancing and a range of fairground rides as well as food and drink.

Entry to the Fayre is free, but you should take some money along if you’d like to buy any refreshments or have a go on any of the rides!

The Fayre is on Monday 29 August and starts at 10.30am until 4.30pm. For more details, check the Friends of Norfolk Park website.

Scam Alert – targeting International students


Some of our international students are being called by scammers who claim to be from the ‘Home Office’.

The caller says they are from the Home Office and has the students full name, postcode in the UK and passport number, and asks the student to verify those details are correct.  The caller tells the student to go to the www.gov.uk website, and search for Home Office, and then scroll down to the bottom of the screen, so that the student can see that they are calling from the genuine Home Office number.  The caller ID on the student’s mobile, does show this number.

The caller then proceeds to tell the student they have not paid for an immigration service, and as a result have to pay a fine, or else they will be reported to the Police/or the Home Office who will detain them or deport them.

The caller becomes increasingly insistent and verbally aggressive, and as they have so much personal information about the student, the student often feels so pressured and terrified, that they pay up.

BEWARE – This is a very sophisticated scam! If they were to call you and you challenge their authenticity they may tell you to Google their phone number and verify their identity. Even the caller ID they use is the same as Home Office switch board number. They will have manipulated the electronics, webpages and links to deceive you. They can be very forceful and authoritative in their tone, even more so if they sense that you are scared.

British Police or Home Office never contact students in this manner, and they never ask for money over the phone.

If you receive a call of this nature, please do not give out any personal details (passport number, address, family details). Please do not download any software they ask you to on your phone or computer. Cut the phone and inform the police immediately. If you are unsure, please feel free to contact International Experience Team on internationalexperience@shu.ac.uk or call us on 0114 225 3813.

Generation UK – China Autumn Language & Internship Programme

Have you just graduated and unsure about what to do? Want something that’ll stand out on your CV? Then look no further!

The British Council are offering eight-week internships that include intensive Mandarin language courses and a placement in an industry sector of your choice!

The internships are set up with the British Council‘s partners CRCC Asia and InternChina, and include placements in IT, legal, marketing, accounting, engineering, pharmaceuticals, fashion, finance, hospitality and many more!

The funding will cover all language classes, cultural activities, internship placement fees, accommodation and comprehensive travel insurance (a must), as well as your airport pick-up and dedicated support throughout your placement.

Who is eligible?

Applicants must be:

  • Aged 18 years and above
  • Currently enrolled full-time at an UK university or have graduated from a UK university within the past year
  • A UK citizen/EU home student
  • In receipt of or have received a Maintenance Grant from Student Finance or SAAS bursary for Scottish students during their university career
  • Not in receipt of any other Generation UK – China funding

For more information, check out the British Council website on how to apply.

Trip to Bicester

Join us for a trip to the brilliant Bicester shopping outlet and fulfil all your discounted designer needs!

If you’re in the mood to pick up some great designer bargains, then this is the trip for you. Bicester Village outlet has a whole range of stores, including: Armani, DKNY, Dior, Gucci, Prada and many more, where you can stock up and get the latest looks.

Bicester is known worldwide for its selection, with royalty like Kate Middleton even popping in to pick Prince George up some new baby clothes!

Tickets are available from the Student Services Reception on Level 5 of the Owen building and cost £14. The trip will be on Saturday 13 August from 8am-6pm – meet outside the main University entrance.

Hallam Fund

Last month Sheffield Hallam were delighted to launch their newly established Hallam Fund telephone campaign, which aims to raise money to support our students and academics.

If you received a phone call from one of Sheffield Hallam’s student callers they’d like to thank you for your time and for your support. They were delighted with the positive responses they received from alumni and they successfully managed to secure over £73,000 in pledged donations – an incredible start to the Hallam Fund campaign.

These donations will help fund bursaries and scholarships for students from under-represented and disadvantaged backgrounds; they will help to ensure students can take up career enhancing opportunities and will support Sheffield Hallam’s world-changing applied research.

To find out more about how Sheffield Hallam will use these donations to change lives follow them on Twitter, or visit our Facebook page.

If you would like to make a donation, please visit – shu.ac.uk/giving