Inspirational Student Award winner Cheah Keat Hong talks to SHU GoGlobal


We were very pleased to be able to announce the 2017 winners of the Inspirational Student Awards in last month’s newsletter. Here, we speak to one of the winners, Cheah Keat Hong from Malaysia, about their experience as a student inspiring others.

How do you feel about being nominated for an Inspirational Student Award?

Thanks for the students who voted me in this activity, I also very appreciated that I have the opportunity to join the activity and meet a lot friends in Sheffield Hallam University, it was my pleasure to help each other while we were having the summer programme in SHU.

What difference do you think graduating with a degree from Sheffield Hallam University will make to your career?

Graduating with a degree from Sheffield Hallam University will able to increase my opportunity to get a vacancy when job searching. Other than that, I provided more understanding about the construction industry of UK as compare to the students who have just a Malaysia University degree holder.

What advice would you give to someone choosing this course about your experience so far to help them decide?

The culture of learning with SHU was much more different as compare with the culture of study in Malaysia. It was a great opportunity to join the SHU programme, part of the course you will able to learn about the construction industry in UK, you will also learn the culture, and enjoy the environment of UK.

What is the best thing you have experienced about studying a Sheffield Hallam degree?

I able to learn about the construction industry, the rules and others in United Kingdom. Other than that, the culture, personality of the peoples, the environment in Sheffield and also UK. It was the unforgettable memories I will keep in my mind.