An archaeological dig on the site of what will become the University’s new £30m home for the Sheffield Institute of Education has revealed some fascinating glimpses of the city’s industrial past.

Archaeologists working for the city’s ArcHeritage have uncovered units dating back to 1804 on the site of Sheffield Hallam University’s flagship Charles Street building, which will house the new Sheffield Institute of Education (SIoE) and some of the faculty of development and society.

Finds include two wells and evidence of a white metal foundry, a carpenter’s and a row of one-roomed cottages, as well as a collection of knives, clay pipes and ceramics. The findings have now been transported off the site ahead of the start of building works in January next year.

ArcHeritage’s Dr Glyn Davies said that the land, originally known as Alsop Fields, was owned by the Duke of Norfolk and originally intended as land for housing. Instead, it became separate industrial units and latterly, the Brown Street car park.

Dr Davies, who talks about the findings in this podcast, said: “It’s a fascinating glimpse into Sheffield’s past, when it went from a small town to a huge industrial city.”

Dr Glyn Davies from ArcHeritage

Senior Project Manager Dave Holland

Senior Project Manager Dave Holland from Sheffield Hallam University

Sam Twiselton and Dave Holland

Dave Holland with Sam Twiselton, Sheffield Hallam University’s new director of SIoE

Some of the findings

Some of the findings give us a glimpse of the area’s industrial past

Visit Sheffield Hallam University’s Media Centre for more information and images from the dig.

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