About this Resource

This website is a rich resource, originally designed to engage students across Sheffield Institute for Education on all Teacher Education, Early Childhood and Education Studies courses, by our regional education partners in their Teacher Education programmes, and in the wider community.

This promotional video offers a taste of the interesting content:

The Autism Learning Resource Series has three main sections:

Perspectives on Autism section contains videos of four individuals offering their perspectives on the following questions:

  1.  What is your definition of autism?
  2.  Is the notion of inclusion positive or negative?
  3.  What are the most important concepts to understand?
  4.  Should we be diagnosing people as autistic?
  5.  What area of research is most important within the autism field?

Topics for Discussion includes topics for discussion prompted by those videos

Learning and Teaching Resources include interactive presentations which further break down the videos and explore in more detail the themes of Definition, Inclusion, Concepts, Diagnosis and Research. The presentations include suggestions for further reading and topics to consider.

Contact Us

Find out more about autism courses at Sheffield Hallam University

Dr Luke Beardon can be contacted via theautismcentre@shu.ac.uk

If you have any feedback, or comments about this resource, please contact LTA_Multimedia@shu.ac.uk


Resources developed by Claire Hannah and Sam Smith, LEAD Multimedia.