Luke Beardon Profile (Summary)

Dr Luke Beardon, Profile 2024


For a narrative profile please click here

Key Awards 

  • Nominated for Inspirational Teaching Awards and/or Inspirational Research Supervisor every year since inception in 2011 
  • Winner – Inspirational Teacher Award, 2011 
  • Winner – Inspirational Research Supervisor, 2012 
  • Winner – Inspirational Teacher Award, 2019 
  • Winner – Vice-Chancellor Inspirational Teacher Award, 2019 
  • Winner – Inspirational Teacher Award, 2021 
  • Winner – Inspirational Teacher Award, 2022 
  • National Autistic Society’s Lifetime Achievement Award for a Professional – finalist 
  • National Autistic Society’s Autism Professionals Awards for Achievement by an Individual Educational Professional Winner 
  • Autism Hero Anna Kennedy’s Individual Professional Award Winner 
  • Autism Hero Anna Kennedy’s Lifetime Achievement Award Winner 
  • Sparkle Sheffield Award for Lifetime Achievement in Autism Award Winner

Media Presence  

As well as many local radio stations I have also appeared in the following: 

  • Inside Our Autistic Minds with Chris Packham (BBC TV) 
  • The Times feature length celebrating professional achievements in The Times  Educational Supplement 
  • Radio 4 
  • Channel 4 
  • The Guardian 
  • The Independent 
  • The Conversation  
  • Radio Sheffield (several appearances)  
  • Numerous guest speaker on podcasts, e.g. Times Educational Podcast 

Book Publications 

  • Autism in Adults (2017) 
  • Autism in Childhood (2019) 
  • Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Children (2020) 
  • Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults (2021) 
  • What Works for Autistic Children (2022) 
  • What Works for Autistic Adults (2023) 
  • Reasonable Adjustments for Autistic Children (2024) 

Full Publications List

To access an up to date publications list please click here

Public Speaking  

I have spoken at numerous conferences and events, possibly/probably hundreds, including international/worldwide conferences and filmed knowledge transfer (e.g. Australian Autism Masterclass): 

  • Cork  
  • Croatia 
  • Denmark 
  • Dublin 
  • South Africa 
  • Australia 

I have addressed the United Nations (New York) and Westminster on autism-related topics. 

Main Duties 

  • Senior Lecturer in Autism, Sheffield Hallam University 
  • Course Leader, Post Graduate Certificate in Autism 
  • Teaching and supervising on the MA Autism 
  • Supervision of Doctoral students 
  • Research 
  • Disability Champion  
  • Co-Chair Staff Disability Network 
  • External Examiner for Doctorates (several universities) 
  • Section Editor for the ‘Neurodiversity & Mental Health’ Section of PLOS Journal 

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