Luke Beardon Profile (Summary)

Dr Luke Beardon, Profile 2025


For a narrative profile please click here

Key Awards 

  • Nominated for Inspirational Teaching Awards and/or Inspirational Research Supervisor every year since inception in 2011 
  • Winner – Inspirational Teacher Award, 2011 
  • Winner – Inspirational Research Supervisor, 2012 
  • Winner – Inspirational Teacher Award, 2019 
  • Winner – Vice-Chancellor Inspirational Teacher Award, 2019 
  • Winner – Inspirational Teacher Award, 2021 
  • Winner – Inspirational Teacher Award, 2022 
  • National Autistic Society’s Lifetime Achievement Award for a Professional – finalist 
  • National Autistic Society’s Autism Professionals Awards for Achievement by an Individual Educational Professional Winner 
  • Autism Hero Anna Kennedy’s Individual Professional Award Winner 
  • Autism Hero Anna Kennedy’s Lifetime Achievement Award Winner 
  • Sparkle Sheffield Award for Lifetime Achievement in Autism Award Winner

Media Presence  

As well as many local radio stations I have also appeared in the following: 

  • Inside Our Autistic Minds with Chris Packham (BBC TV) 
  • The Times feature length celebrating professional achievements in The Times  Educational Supplement 
  • Radio 4 
  • Channel 4 
  • The Guardian 
  • The Independent 
  • The Conversation  
  • Radio Sheffield (several appearances)  
  • Numerous guest speaker on podcasts, e.g. Times Educational Podcast 

Book Publications 

  • Autism in Adults (2017) 
  • Autism in Childhood (2019) 
  • Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Children (2020) 
  • Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults (2021) 
  • What Works for Autistic Children (2022) 
  • What Works for Autistic Adults (2023) 
  • Reasonable Adjustments for Autistic Children (2024) 

Full Publications List

To access an up to date publications list please click here

Public Speaking  

I have spoken at numerous conferences and events, possibly/probably hundreds, including international/worldwide conferences and filmed knowledge transfer (e.g. Australian Autism Masterclass): 

  • Cork  
  • Croatia 
  • Denmark 
  • Dublin 
  • South Africa 
  • Australia 

I have addressed the United Nations (New York) and Westminster on autism-related topics. 

Main Duties 

  • Senior Lecturer in Autism, Sheffield Hallam University 
  • Course Leader, Post Graduate Certificate in Autism 
  • Teaching and supervising on the MA Autism 
  • Supervision of Doctoral students 
  • Research 
  • Disability Champion  
  • Co-Chair Staff Disability Network 
  • External Examiner for Doctorates (several universities) 
  • Section Editor for the ‘Neurodiversity & Mental Health’ Section of PLOS Journal 

Luke Beardon Publications

Chown, N., Beardon, L., Murphy, S. L., Suckle, E., & Baker-Rogers, J. (2023). Autism Community Research Priorities: The Potential of Future Research to Benefit Autistics. Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies, 3(2), 15–32. 

Beardon, L. (2022). ‘Autopia’. In The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Autism Studies (pp. 159-164). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003056577-16 

Beardon, L. (2022). What Works for Autistic Children. Sheldon Press. 

Beardon, L. (2022). How and Why are Autistic People Anxious?. In Educational Psychology Perspectives on Supporting Young Autistic People. Jessica Kingsley. 

Beardon, L. (2021). Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults. Sheldon Press. 

Beardon, L., Chown, N., Cossburn, K., & Debbaubt, D. (2021). Autism and Operational Policing. In Handbook of Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Law. Springer. 

Panella-Peral, S. (2020). A Longitudinal Exploration of Infants’ Social Looks in Naturalistic Settings. (PhD Thesis). 

Beardon, L. (2020). Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Children. Sheldon Press. 

Pindar, S. -A. (2019). Autistic Dreaming: a phenomenological study of dreaming and well-being. (PhD Thesis). 

Beardon, L. (2019). Autism, Masking, Social Anxiety and the Classroom. In Teacher Education and Autim. Jessica Kingsley. 

Beardon, L. (2019). Autism in Childhood (2nd ed.). Sheldon Press. 

Leatherland, J. (2018). Understanding how autistic pupils experience secondary school: autism criteria, theory and FAMe™. (PhD Thesis). 

Chown, N. P., Beardon, L., & Cossburn, K. (2018). Rare instances of individuals with autism supporting or engaging in terrorism: a response to Lino Faccini and Clare Allely. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, 9(1), 59-63. doi:10.1108/jidob-06-2017-0012 

Beardon, L., Baker-Rogers, J., Chown, N., Hughes, L., Cossburn, K., & Leatherland, J. (2018). Achieving More in College’ Project: An assessment of the support for autistic students attending United Kingdom colleges. Good Autism Practice. 

Lawrence, C. (2017). Can sharing education between home and school benefit the child with autism?. 

Chown, N., Robinson, J., Beardon, L., Downing, J., Hughes, L., Leatherland, J., . . . MacGregor, D. (2017). Improving research about us, with us: a draft framework for inclusive autism research. Disability and Society, 32(5), 720-734. doi:10.1080/09687599.2017.1320273 

Beardon, L., & Worton, D. (2017). Love, Partnership, or Singleton on the Autism Spectrum. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 

Beardon, L., & Worton, D. (2017). Bittersweet on the Autism Spectrum. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 

Beardon, L., & Chown, N. (2017). Theoretical Models of Autism. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer. 

Beardon, L. (2017). The Stigma of Autism. In Thirty Years of Social Change. Jessica Kingsley. 

Beardon, L. (2017). Foreword. In Sensing the City: an Autistic Perspective. Jessica Kingsley. 

Beardon, L., Chown, N., & Cossburn, K. (2017). First responders and autism. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer. 

Beardon, L., Chown, N., & Milton, D. (2017). England and Autism. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer. 

Beardon, L., & Gaskell, L. (2017). Autism, Learning Disability, and the Criminal Justice System. In The Autism Annual. Pavillion. 

Beardon, L., & Chown, N. (2017). Autism Theory. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer. 

Beardon, L. (2017). Autism in Adults (2nd ed.). Sheldon Press. 

Leatherland, J., & Beardon, L. (2016). Introducing FAMe™: Can improved teacher access to individualised classroom support information impact positively on levels of anxiety in autistic pupils?. ‘The Bridge: Journal for Educational Research-Informed Practice’, 3(2). Retrieved from 

Beardon, L. (2016). Foreword. In Sensory Issues for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Jessica Kingsley. 

Wylie, P., Lawson, W., & Beardon, L. (2015). The Nine Degrees of Autism A Developmental Model for the Alignment and Reconciliation of Hidden Neurological Conditions. Routledge. 

Ellis, S. J. (2014). Perspectives of the autistic ‘Voice’:
An ethnography examining informal education learning experiences. (PhD Thesis). 

Beardon, L. (2014). Luke Beardon Perspective on Autism. Retrieved from 

Beardon, L., & Chown, N. (2014). Identification of adults on the autism spectrum: a suggested pathway and good practice principles. Good Autism Practice, 35. 

Beardon, L. (2014). Foreword. In Very Late Diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome. Jessica Kingsley. 

Beale-Ellis, S., Beardon, L., Chown, N., & Martin, N. (2014). Examining intellectual prowess, not social differences: removing barriers from the doctoral viva for autistic candidates. Journal of Inclusive Practice in Further and Higher Education, 22-38. 

Beardon, L. (2012). Foreword. In Autism and Flexischooling. Jessica Kingsley. 

Chown, N. (2012). A treatise on language methods and language-games in autism. (PhD Thesis). 

Beardon, L., & Worton, D. (2011). Aspies on Mental Health Speaking for Ourselves. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 

Cobb, S., Beardon, L., Eastgate, R., Glover, T., Kerr, S., Neale, H., . . . Wilson, J. (2002). Applied virtual environments to support learning of social interaction skills in users with Asperger’s Syndrome. Digital Creativity, 13(1), 11-22. doi:10.1076/digc. 

Beardon, L., Woolsey, I., & Martin, N. (2009). What do students with Asperger syndrome or highfunctioning autism want at college and university? (in their own words). Good Autism Practice, 35. 

Beardon, L., Martin, N., Goodley, D., & Madriaga, M. (2008). Towards an inclusive environment for university students who have Asperger syndrome. Journal of Inclusive Practice in Further and Higher Education, 3-14. 

Beardon, L. (2008). Is Autism really a disorder part two – theory of mind? Rethink how we think. Journal of Inclusive Practice in Further and higher Education, 19-21. 

Edmonds, G., & Beardon, L. (2008). Asperger Syndrome and Social Relationships Adults Speak Out about Asperger Syndrome. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 

Beardon, L. (2008). Asperger Syndrome and perceived offending conduct: a qualitative study. (PhD Thesis). 

Edmonds, G., & Beardon, L. (2008). Asperger Syndrome and Employment Adults Speak Out about Asperger Syndrome. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 

Beardon, L. (2007). Aspect Consultancy Report. 

Beardon, L. (2006). Foreword. In The Asperger Personal Guide. Lucky Duck. 

Beardon, L. (2006). Foreword. In The Asperger Social Guide. Lucky Duck. 

Beardon, L. (2005). Foreword. In The Asperger Love Guide. Lucky Duck. 

Beardon, L., Parsons, S., & Neale, H. (2001). An interdisciplinary approach to investigating the use of virtual reality environments for people with Asperger syndrome. Educational and Child Psychology, 18(2), 53-62. 

Andrews, T. R. (n.d.). Exploring the impact of a developing sexuality on adolescents with autism. (PhD Thesis). 

Luke Beardon Profile (Narrative)

Profile, Dr Luke Beardon 


I have been working for decades in the autism field, in capacities ranging from practitioner to researcher to trainer, first working with autistic children as a volunteer aged fourteen. For years I was a Support Worker for Autistic adults in residential services; I subsequently worked for The National Autistic Society (NAS) helping to co-ordinate the development of a residential service for young autistic adults. I worked within this service supporting young adults with a range of complex needs, from those with high dependency needs and severe learning disability, to Autistic individuals accessing Higher Education. I went on to hold three additional posts at the NAS working with Local Authorities developing provision and support culminating with being Head of Training and Consultancy before moving to Sheffield Hallam University. 


I co-wrote the ASPECT consultancy report (2007), the largest UK consultation with autistic adults undertaken at the time; I am co-editor of five books on autism published by Jessica Kingsley, and am sole author of an additional seven books: ‘Autism in Adults’ (2017); ‘Autism in Childhood’ (2019); ‘Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Children’ (2020); ‘Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults’ (2021); ‘What Works for Autistic Children’ (2022); ‘What Works for Autistic Adults’ (2023); and ‘Reasonable Adjustments for Autistic Children’ (2024) and have several other publications in journals and books. 


I have run a Project developing autism services within a specific Local Authority, been involved in the setting up and running of two autism Social Groups and have also been employed by the NAS as Regional Development Officer co-ordinating developments over a large geographical area. This has given me the background experience to work at a strategic level within Local Authorities to develop good practice in the field of autism. The Project included the development of diagnostic services, day provision, residential provision, and transition services. 


I have been part of a research team at Nottingham University running a three-year project and have several publications in National and International journals related to the project. I completed my Doctoral thesis at Sheffield Hallam University which was around understanding autistic individuals who had been involved in the Criminal Justice System which subsequently led me to being an expert witness for several years providing reports to court. 


I have provided consultancy around how to work with and support autistic individuals, organisational consultancy, and consultancy to Local Authorities and National bodies, and have spoken at numerous National and International conferences on a variety of autism related topics. I have also addressed parliament in Westminster and the United Nations in New York. 


My most recent post is with Sheffield Hallam University, as Senior Lecturer in autism. I run courses at different academic levels in autism and am the Course Leader for the Post Graduate Certificate in Autism, while continuing to research in the field. I supervise several students at Doctoral level, most of whom are autistic. I am proud of the several autistic (ex) students who successfully completed their Doctorates under my supervision. 


Every year the student survey has run I have been nominated as either an Inspirational Teacher, Inspirational Research Supervisor, or both. In 2011 I was awarded the Inspirational Teacher Award. In 2012 I was awarded the Inspirational Research Supervisor Award. In 2018 I was awarded my third Inspirational Award and in recognition was presented the Sheffield Hallam Vice-Chancellor Award. In 2021, and again in 2022 I was awarded additional Inspirational Teacher Awards. In 2015 I was a finalist for the prestigious National Autistic Society’s Lifetime Achievement Award for a Professional. In 2016 I was the winner at the National Autistic Society’s Autism Professionals Awards for Achievement by an Individual Educational Professional. In 2016 I was nominated and reached the finals for the Autism Hero Awards run by Anna Kennedy Online in two categories: Lifetime Achievement, and Individual Professional – and won both categories. In 2021 I was awarded the Sparkle Sheffield Award for Lifetime Achievement in Autism. I have several media appearances, including BBC TV and Radio 4, The Guardian, The Independent – and an article on me appeared in the Times celebrating my achievements. My Blog was voted second best in the award winning Aukids magazine in their list of ten top all-time favourite autism Blogs.  


My interests are anything related to autism, pretty much to the exclusion of everything else. 


Where Have All The Blogs Gone?

I must apologise – this is a very brief post to acknowledge that it has been some while since I posted anything. This is largely due to the fact that instead of blog posts I have been writing books instead. I have recently committed to writing an eighth book and would like to write nine (to make it 3 x 3). Once I have managed that I suspect I will return to this space.