Location free working

lib cloud

The location free working focus groups aim to understand what staff currently do, understand the implications of mobile working and University policy related to this.
We’ll be discussing the following questions in the group sessions – if you aren’t able to attend or would like to provide your answers online, you can do this using google docs.
  1. Do you think you could manage to do your role location free/ partial or not at all?
  2. What do you see as the barriers to location free working?
  3. What do you see as the benefits of location free working?
  4. What work life balance/ personal benefits do you see by working flexibly (flexible hours, working from home, flexible working space)?
  5. Where would you perceive location free working to be?  i.e. home, library, cafe, a hot desk in another building etc
  6. What IT systems do you use, and are there any security issues around using these location free?
  7. How do you think we can link location free working into proposals for sustainable travel – reduced car use, issues of parking permits, car sharing, travelling at non-peak times etc.
  8. What current arrangements are there of location free working in your team?