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Recruiting Course Reps

Course Reps 2021-22 – Recruitment Process Outline


Course Leaders and the Students’ Union share responsibility for recruiting Course Reps. We try to recruit all Course Reps within the first 3 weeks of the start of the course, in any given academic year.

Students who are interested in being a Course Rep can visit the Students’ Union website to register their interest and receive further information. A list of Reps is collated by the Students’ Union and shared with the University.  For courses which start in September, we aim to recruit our Course Reps by mid-October.  A second Course Rep recruitment phase takes place for courses which begin in January.

Help in recruiting Course Reps

You can refer students to the Students’ Union promotional video for a general introduction to the role of Course Reps.

You can use these slides to promote the role of Course Reps in an induction session or teaching session:

Course Rep Presentation – BTE

Course Rep Presentation – HWLS

Course Rep Presentation – SSA


Course Rep information for staff
This web page on the Students’ Union site contains information for staff on the Course Rep role, recruitment and more. Representation page for staff

Following recruitment

Once Course Reps have been recruited you might like to get in touch with the Reps to introduce yourself and talk about how you can work together during the year. If you are a Course Leader, you will be a key point of contact for Course Reps so it is important that they know how to contact you and feel comfortable in doing so.

Record the names of your Course Reps on SITS

The template below contains the agreed columns that must be used for the inputting of Course Rep details into the University’s Student Management System.

The Stu CRS Join code must be correct  (many students have been enrolled on more than one course so the number needs to reflect the course that they are representing).

Student code Stu Crs Join code Ac. Year code Milestone Milestone Date
e.g. 22015261 e.g. 22015261/1 2017/18

Guidelines on how to input Student Rep data into SITS