We thought it would be nice to bring you some ideas of things you could do or might like to know about this festive season, whether you are staying in Sheffield for Christmas, heading home or going on holiday.

 christmas tree

1. First of all, don’t forget you might have exams in January! It certainly can be a hard time of the year to get down to revision, what with all the temptation to sit back and relax, watch some Christmas TV or go out and get involved in the festivities.  However, it does pay to plan your time effectively so that you can enjoy the festive period and also get the grades. For tips on preparing for your exams, you may find this article on Christmastime revision useful. This article on revision could also be relevant for January exams

2. Watch a basketball game on Friday 19 December.  Come and cheer on the Sheffield Sharks basketball team for only £5. Tickets must be bought in advance from the Student Services Centre, Level 5, Owen Building. On the day of the game meet our student crew at the Main University entrance at 6.00pm and they will take the tram with you to the game.

3. Drink lots of water over the Christmas break, so you’re on great form for January and don’t over indulge on alcoholic drinks! See the NHS website and Drinkaware site for information about safe Christmas drinking and check out this alcohol unit calculator. Also, have a look at SHU Student Wellbeing’s Ten things you can do to look after yourself guide for some great ideas on looking after mind and body. Good for the festive season and beyond.

4. Go ice skating on Saturday 20 December. Meet at the main entrance, City Campus at 7:00pm. Whether you are an accomplished ice skater or have never tried it before – come along, everybody is welcome. You will need to bring around £7.00 to pay for the skating, skate hire and your tram fare.


5. Don’t forget to return your library books. Remember our Learning Centres are open 24/7/365 and as always you will need your SHU Card for access. See http://library.shu.ac.uk for more information.

6. Get festive with a screening of ‘Love Actually’ on Tuesday 23 December. The film will be shown on the large screen in The Void Lecture Theatre on Level 1 of the Owen Building.  The screening will start at 5.00pm and end at 7.00pm and free popcorn will be served.

7. Take some time off.  While it’s important to make sure you spend time studying if you have exams or other forms of assessment in January, it’s also important to recharge your batteries so you feel fresh for the next semester.  Take some time for yourself, to do what you like to do.

8. Join us on Monday 29 December for a trip to the historic city of Nottingham, home of Robin Hood and the impressive Nottingham Castle. We advise you to buy your train tickets in advance and then meet our student crew at the main entrance, City Campus at 9.30am.

9. Discover Sheffield’s largest park with a trip to Graves Park on Friday 2 January. Check out everything the park has to offer including the formal gardens, an ancient woodland and a farm.  Meet at the main entrance at City Campus from where you will go and take a bus to the park, so you’ll need around £4 for the bus fare.

10.  If you need someone to talk to or some help and support over the holiday period, have a look at SHU Student Wellbeing’s blog post where you’ll find useful information on organisations that are there for you over the Christmas period and beyond. Remember also that the Samaritans are available 24/7 if you need somebody to talk to over the holidays or any time. You can contact them on 0114 276 7277 or 08457 909 090 or email jo@samaritans.org.

And finally, have a lovely break and come back to University feeling refreshed and ready for the New Year. And remember, you can find out about the full range of activities available over the Christmas period here.

staying in sheffield at xmas