We’re really pleased to introduce our Deputy Blog Editor, Sian Hodkin. Sian is a student at SHU and recently won our Twitter feedback competition to be a student journalist here at Student Advice and Information for a week. She will be sending out a daily blog post all this week on a range of topics. So, here’s over to you Sian…

I thought I would introduce myself before I got down to business. My name is Sian Hodkin, you might have seen my blog Hodder’s or seen me floating around City Campus. I’m studying English Literature and I’m in my second year, and I hate to break it to you first years; second year is TOUGH.

Not only do your tutors increase your workload, this is the year that it is recommended to get all of your experience in; internships, placements, volunteering, part-time job, etc. It is stressful, at times it is just downright cruel and a lot of the time it just hits you all at once; like an avalanche approaching, or a hairdresser making that one detrimental slash to your hair. You cannot go back and you have absolutely no choice in the matter.

I personally, feel like I am an expert in this topic. I am like Zooey Deschanel in Yes Man, I cannot say no to anything. However, I’m not writing to you to moan about it all though, I’m currently in the middle of assignment city, I have a part-time job where I work weekends and occasional weekdays, I’m also an intern at the British Red Cross, as well as a Freelance writer and I’m about to take on a Freelance Transcribing role. As well as this, I have a family that I obviously have to see and a lovely boyfriend who has somehow put up with my occasional breakdowns and cries of “I’m sorry, I can’t watch Top Gear with you today, I have important things to do”.

So I have a huge load on my plate, not half as big as what some other people have but it is enough to put Adam from Man Vs Food in his place. So here are my tips on keeping sane in times of insanity.

• Prioritise – Remember you are at University for a reason, as those tuition fees suddenly take a back seat you can forget that you are studying for a degree. Make sure you keep up with your studies because when it comes down to it, University is the most important aspect of your life right now

• Organise – I mean it, get a diary, get a calendar, get the ToDo app on your phone, download Evernote onto all of your devices (absolute godsend). Keep everything up to date and tell your family or friends what you are up to. You will have absolutely no chance of getting through it if you’re not tough on yourself

• Check your emails – It sounds so obvious but around 40% of my communication in day-to-day life is emailing. I check first thing in the morning, the middle of the day and before I sleep at night. I have friends who have inboxes crammed with spam and junk New Look newsletters. Unsubscribe, delete, and clean it up

• Talk to Tutors/University friends – Who are the people who are guaranteed to know what you’re going through first hand? Your tutors. Talk to them if you’re struggling with some work, they are there to help not to just give you information and then leave. My University friends this year have been life savers because they just know what I’m going through; I’ve struggled to keep up with old friends because I rarely have spare time and they are off living their own life. Your University friends are in the same boat as you, so grab an oar

• Sleep – I get that you’re a student and you probably get loads of this, but getting the right balance is crucial. I still struggle with this and will happily lie in and not get out of my dressing gown all day; getting into a routine is hard but completely worth it.

There will be times when your balancing act will tipple over completely; getting a bad grade or not getting that new job, but you just have to keep going. It sounds so simple and like an Instagram quote but you cannot give up. You’re in this game for a reason, so go hard.

(Editor’s note: views expressed are Sian’s own. If you are struggling with any aspect of the above, remember you can contact Student Advice and Information and Student Wellbeing at SHU for help and support.).