Wednesday 2 April is World Autism Awareness Day. Autism (and Asperger Syndrome, a type of autism) affects over 1 in 100 people, which adds up to approximately 700,000 people in the UK. The condition primarily affects the ways in which a person communicates with and relates to others, and to the environments around them. Autism affects both children and adults.

Autism is on a spectrum, with people experiencing the condition in a range of different ways and requiring differing levels of support. You can find out more about autism on the National Autistic Society (NAS) website here and can read some real life stories NAS has collected from people living with autism here.

Local event
Freeman College is a local college for students with learning difficulties and disabilities which is based very near to SHU’s city campus. They are running an event for World Autism Awareness Day, with talks, discussions and a musical performance and both SHU staff and students are very welcome to attend. Please contact Freeman College direct if you are interested in attending.

And remember, at SHU we offer support to all students with disabilities and health conditions. If you have an issue you would like to discuss getting support for, please contact our Disabled Student Support Team on 0114 225 3813/3964 or at: