This means many students may be going out more, drinking more alcohol and possibly be using cannabis, legal highs and other substances.

Concerning facts:

  • On average, students spend a total of 93 days during the 3 years of their degree drinking alcohol!!
  • 61% of men and 48% of women regularly exceed the recommended weekly limits of 21 units for men and 14 units for women
  • Although alcohol acts as a mood enhancer it is in fact a depressant and heavy drinking can lead to both physical and psychological problems
  • Drink spiking is not uncommon

Please take care of yourself this part season and always.  Information can be found at:

Local advice services:

Sheffield Open Access Alcohol Service 0845 345 1549                                             Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Arundel Street Project 0114 272 1481 or text 07747632627                                                                               Information and support for adults with substance misuse problems                          Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

The Arundel Street Project offers friendly drop-in advice and can provide you with an assessment of your needs. They can help you to access other agencies and complementary therapies. They have a nurse clinic and can also offer practical advice on harm minimisation.

You can text Arundel Street Project or telephone / email for further information. Alternatively, just drop-in to the Arundel Street Project, 92a Arundel Street, along from City Campus by Street Chef Cafe.

There is more information available in the Student Wellbeing area on 1st Floor Surrey Building. Please also see below for details of services available when the University is closed:

Samaritans 08457 909090

Police 0114 202020/ 101

Salvation Army Sheffield
(They can refer to Night Shelter) 0114 2725158

Advice Sheffield
(Benefits and debt advice) 0114 2055055

Sheffield Alcohol Service
(Not open Bank Holidays) 0845 3451549

Shelter Line 0808 800444

Sheffield and Rotherham Sexual Assault Referral Centre 01709 3073271/ 07785976119

Women’s Aid 0808 20000247