The themes below were used to help with the call for papers. We will still refer to them as we make the abstracts available however, we have identified some distinct themes that have come through from the submissions which we may use to organise the strands – more information on the programme page.
1. The disruptive nature of social media
Submissions demonstrating the any of the following are particularly welcome:
How the disruptive nature of social media results in:
- learning being redefined;
- reconceptualisation of the role of the teacher;
- pedagogic design being challenged;
- formal and informal spaces being connected;
- the physical and digital space becoming one;
- learning becoming lifewide, lifelong and networked.
2. Social media for networked, social and active learning
Submissions demonstrating the any of the following are particularly welcome:
How social media is being used in teaching to:
- foster learning amongst formal and informal learning communities;
- create authentic experiences for learning;
- extend the classroom;
- establish and develop personal learning networks and environments;
- reshape the learning environment and extend the classroom;
- enable transition between learning and work;
- enhance student belonging and the development of professional identities.
3. The challenges of social media
This theme aims to address the challenges we are faced with as a result of using social media. Viewpoints are encouraged from individuals – students, teachers and support staff; institutions and other stakeholders. Indicative challenges include (but are not limited to):
- infrastructure, policy, guidance and support;
- the pursuit of digital identities;
- becoming digitally confident and capable;
- ethics, inclusivity and sustainability;
- digital wellbeing, responsibility and safety.