Learn Hacks – Using Adobe Voice to make short animated videos about social media tools that support student learning and research skills

Andrew Tattersall @Andy_Tattersall – The University of Sheffield

The focus of this Thunderstorm session is to showcase the collection of short animated videos that have been created by ScHARR’s Information Specialist Andy Tattersall using Adobe Voice. The videos were created thanks to funding by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at The University of Sheffield Curriculum Development Fund. The purpose of the videos is to create an informal and educational resources to support students make better use of the various technologies available to them on campus and via external platforms. The videos cover a variety of technologies, many of them themed around social media and networks. They include platforms such as Twitter, Tweetdeck, ScoopIt!, Mendeley, Slideshare among others. These technologies are themed around discoverability, curation, impact, collaboration, productivity and transferable skills. The video collection is hosted on The University of Sheffield’s iTunes U platform as well as ScHARR Library’s YouTube and Vimeo accounts. It is also accompanied by a Google Site.

The talk will showcase the simplicity of using a tool like Adobe Voice that can not only help give a quick oversite of a technology but also one that can exploit social media as a way of broadcasting such films. It will take delegates through the simple process of scripting a video to getting it shared across social networks.

The series of 25 Learn Hacks is also accompanied by a larger collection of videos called Research Hacks for Researchers. Which look at similar tools many others specific to active researchers and academics.