A socially mediated workshop about developing a social media workshop.

Gill Ferell @gillferrell UCISA
Julie Adams Staffordshire University
Bob Booth
University of Sheffield
Fiona Strawbridge

Aimed at supporting team planning and staff development, this workshop will show how resources in the UCISA Social Media Toolkit can be tailored to your needs. It is aimed at staff developers, team leaders (in an academic or support context) or anybody who simply wants to get their colleagues interested in improving the student (& staff) experience via social media.

In addressing the theme of the Empowered Learner we will look at what this means in terms of the interactions your particular team has with learners. We will use a service design approach supported by Padlet to collaboratively design a workshop agenda and add supporting resources. The workshop outline will be a generic one that addresses how you can improve the service you provide by making effective use of social media. Outputs will be freely available to use and adapt to your particular context afterwards.

A key message from the session is that UCISA and others have already done a lot of the ground work in addressing the vital legal, procedural and e-safety issues and there are many examples of good practice to draw on. With this guidance as a sound starting point you can focus on making the most of your team’s creativity to envisage new and better means of service delivery.

To view the padlet and add your thoughts in advance of the session please go to: https://padlet.com/gillferrell/SocMedHE_Workshop_Outline_UCISA