• To decolonise or to diversify? Untangling the terminology of emancipatory curriculum design

    To decolonise or to diversify? Untangling the terminology of emancipatory curriculum design

    “You cannot take authority over things that are not named.” Thus spoke Professor Udy Archibong, Pro-VC for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Bradford, at a conference on the ethnicity degree awarding gap that I attended earlier this year. She was responding to the idea that some universities might prefer to talk about […]

  • Celebrating ten years of research and innovation in Sheffield Institute of Education

    Celebrating ten years of research and innovation in Sheffield Institute of Education

    As the new academic year begins, we celebrate ten years of research and innovation in Sheffield Institute of Education, taking the opportunity to thank Sam Twiselton for her leadership and support throughout this time. In 2013, the education staff of Sheffield Hallam University were brought together in the Sheffield Institute of Education, with Sam Twiselton […]

  • A year in a blog

    A year in a blog

    I took over editorship of the SIoE blog at the start of this academic year with an idea of what I wanted it to be: a forum to debate current or controversial issues in education; a forum to share teaching innovations and our creative classroom practice; and a forum for us to learn more about […]

  • Unlocking potential: navigating personal data sharing across multiple universities for enhanced collaboration

    Unlocking potential: navigating personal data sharing across multiple universities for enhanced collaboration

    Are you or students you supervise involved in research collecting personal data across a number of different partners or institutions? Are you involved in collecting data at the post-graduate level? Before you encounter the myriad pitfalls and considerations, please read this blog… the insights will equip you with the confidence and expertise to navigate the […]

  • The poetry of reflection

    The poetry of reflection

    We love poetry and we love teaching. But is it possible to combine the two? We came across an article in the Times Higher Education (Illingworth, 2022) that did just that, and decided to try it. This post describes our experiences of using poetry to widen the horizons of our trainees, showing them how they […]

  • Autism understanding

    Autism understanding

    For an accessible visual and audio version with captions please watch Luke’s YouTube video.  *************************************************************************************************************************************** I can’t stand it any longer. The stress, the stress. Constant stress unless I’m drunk. I’m drunk far too often, but how else do I cope? My dream came true, and I wish it hadn’t. They told me that university […]

  • Covid has put wellbeing in schools front and centre

    Covid has put wellbeing in schools front and centre

    Covid has put wellbeing in schools front and centre The school shutdowns during the Covid pandemic may feel like a distant memory. But the effects of this period are still being felt in schools today — and pupil wellbeing is one of the biggest casualties, as explored recently by Dr Caron Carter on this SIOE […]

  • The bigger picture: taking a systems approach to encouraging research use in education

    This post originally appeared on the BERA blog and is shared here with BERA’s kind permission: https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/developing-a-systems-based-approach-to-research-use-in-education  Whilst it is not always easy to see the tectonic plates moving, a culture shift appears to be occurring in English schools towards widespread engagement with research (Department for Education, 2022). Yet, when we consider the development of […]

  • Shaping South Yorkshire

    Shaping South Yorkshire

    Last week the Princess of Wales launched the Shaping Us campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of early childhood experiences in how we develop physically, socially and emotionally. The campaign starts from the premise that: “The way we develop, through our experiences, relationships, and surroundings during our early childhood, fundamentally shapes our whole […]

  • The toll of the Covid-19 pandemic on children’s wellbeing and mental health. How can we support children in ‘new times’?

    The toll of the Covid-19 pandemic on children’s wellbeing and mental health. How can we support children in ‘new times’?

    Picture this: it’s March 2020; you’re in lockdown; you can only go out once per day for provisions or exercise; and your time is taken up juggling lengthy zoom meetings and home schooling. For many of us, this will be an uncomfortable memory. But in the first few days and weeks of lockdown, we presumed […]

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