Pathways 2017 – A Must Attend Event!

With #SHUPATHWAYS2017, the one and only networking event for creative media students at SHU being under 100 days away, we would like to send a short message of encouragement to all the Digital Media Production students of Sheffield Hallam University.

If you are an ambitious person, book a reminder in your diary for the 8th of March 2017. Do not underestimate how much a simple networking with experienced, like-minded individuals from the industry can help you on your life path! Come to Pathways 2017 and find out for yourself.

For details of last year’s highlight and keynote speakers go to: and follow @shupathways on social media.

Wishing you all the best in this semester and keep looking out for more content coming soon!

Natalia M Wesniuk

Student Coordinator and Capture Mac Content Manager