SHU Pathways – How DMP helps shape this event

Sheffield Hallam Pathways event is coming on soon on the 9th of March, this event is specially targeted at students like us, inviting notorious speakers and people from the industry that can actually help you on improving your work and making future connection.

We understand that first years might think that they shouldn’t attend events such as Pathways, but what about if we told that attending could help you making those essential connections now which could someday turn into employment?Pathways 2015


As second years we regret having missed SHU Pathways 2015 as we could have enjoyed this opportunity to make some connections in our field and perhaps get some tips on how to be better designers for example.

We all get it that it feels good to actually stay at home doing nothing, but what about if we tell you that you will have to work for Pathways next year, it’s better to attend now and have a outside look on how it’s run, maybe ask us some questions?

Pathways 2015

We will be easily identified on the day! So think about it and we will all be waiting for you, it doesn’t matter if you are a first year or a third, if you are studying Economy or Animation, Pathways is certainly a event to attend and enjoy. Follow us on TWITTER and FACEBOOK.

18th February 2016 Diogo Salgado / Tania Silvestre

DMP 2016