Cricket in the Classroom

Recently Yorkshire Cricket Foundation (a part of Yorkshire County Cricket Club), contacted Sheffield Hallam University asking for help from a couple of students to help them produce a promotional video for their event ‘Cricket in the Classroom’ which they run once a week. My head of course contacted myself and three other Digital Media Production students asking us if we would like to be apart of the YCF’s project. Within few weeks we had visited them for location scouting and gone over plans with their requirements/ideas for the promotional video that they wanted us to produce for them.

The Yorkshire Cricket Foundation runs this event weekly. Schools from across Yorkshire, arrange a date in advance for their Year 6 children to visit the stadium for a day trip, to learn and play cricket, as well as Yorkshire, the cricket club and go on a stadium tour including the museum and the changing rooms. The children really seemed to love the day. They all interacted with the tutor and the day went well and they constantly smiled and joined in, and were enthusiastic about answering questions during the teaching of the Cricket Club, Ground and Yorkshire.

Over the two visits we took to visit Nick at YCF, as previously mentioned the first one was for a meeting with Nick. A couple of weeks after this we travelled to Leeds again for our planned shot day. In total we used five cameras between the four of us. They ranged from Canon XF100 (x2) to a GoPro for action/discreet shots also including a Couple of Canon 600D for both photography and filming of the event.

We all really enjoyed the day filming for Yorkshire Cricket Foundation, and would happily work with them again, if the occasion were ever raised again.

Personally I am thankful for YCF and SHU for giving myself and my friends the opportunity to gain the experience which is important, as it not only allows me to add to my steadily growing portfolio, but also allows me to gain the experience and knowledge of working in small teams on live shoots where you can’t pause an event to reshoot something if you missed it. As a consequence it also helped me to improve my organisational and planning skills. Last but not least, I also had the opportunity to improve on my practical skills, including sound recording, photography and filming at an event for a professional client.

When we handed the final product over to Yorkshire Cricket Foundation, we received a pleasing response via the email (our main method of contact) but also a public tweet directly to ourselves and Sheffield Hallam University, saying “Thanks to @sheffhallamuni students @lostdog92, @NEmmerson, @emilyburcham and Rebecca Colton for their production of the latest YCF video”