Creative Spark

Creative Spark 2013 from SHU Digital Media Production on Vimeo.

The four of us worked as a team to produce the video. We split into teams of two, one team had the role of interviewing, students, tutors and guests to the event, whilst the other team, had the role of being on the floor shooting the nights events, such as awards being handed out by judges from the gaming industry.

We interviewed several students who proudly took part in displaying their pieces of work to the audience, who include students, parents, tutors and professionals from related industries being showcased at the event. Students also have the opportunity to invite people such as professionals from a business they would like to work for after graduating.

Many interviewed students sat on a panel, which helped to set up the event, which took months of dedication, planning and on some occasions fund raising for their ‘shows’. Since students within limits are allowed to tailor their show to their needs, for example a some games design students who worked in collaboration with local games studios on their final pieces, raised money for custom game simulators to be built to showcase the game they had built that year.

“I believe we worked well as a team to produce a video, which met its requirements. It was a very valuable experience where I learnt to work in a team, whilst also learning to cope with the pressure of filming a live event, where we had to be aware of timings such as the event start, student ‘shows’, and talks being held throughout the night. It also benefited myself in areas such as editing and not just filming and photography, since we had to not just film the event but take it into post production and produce a promotion tool which the university and department would be happy with using to showcase the upcoming years event.“ – Nick Emmerson