Online Workshop for PGR Students on Academic Writing:  Reduce Anxiety


Academic Writing:  Reduce Anxiety Run by Dr Catriona Ryan SFHEA   Overview On completion of this course students will acquire a new skill in academic writing designed to reduce anxiety.  It will be an active writing session.  Students should attend the course with a plan for a Thesis chapter and will leave with the discursive analysis planned down to the last


PGR Wellbeing Group – event for PGR students


This event is intended to enable a more detailed discussion around PGR wellbeing and to hear from the perspective of students. Several themes will be explored to identify the areas which is affect wellbeing in doctoral students. These discussions will aid in the development of the institutional plan for Doctoral wellbeing and highlight areas in which support mechanisms could be


*Postponed* PGR Wellbeing Group – event for PGR supervisors


This event is intended to enable a more detailed discussion around PGR wellbeing and to hear from a supervisor's perspective. Several themes will be explored to identify the areas which affect wellbeing in doctoral students. These discussions will aid in the development of the institutional plan for Doctoral wellbeing and highlight areas in which support mechanisms could be developed. There


Community of Inclusive Practice – online launch


Come and join us to hear about our Hallam Guild group Community of Inclusive Practice. We will introduce ourselves, talk through our vision, mission, principles and goals, launch our CIP Coffee events and share our suggested programme of workshops for your consideration. Everyone is welcome, ask any questions and join our online community. Book your place


SPARK! Staff Disability Network Virtual Meeting


Lockdown and the resulting changes to how we work has provided opportunities and challenges for us all. Whether you are working from home for the foreseeable future, planning a return to campus or are already back on campus, SPARK! would love to hear how you are doing. The network is hosting a virtual meeting to provide a safe space for


Ethical Practice & Ethical Approval: Considerations for Research and Evaluation Projects 2020-21


This webinar, hosted by Liz Austen and Liz Sturge, will provide an overview of ethical practices adopted by researchers and evaluators working within Sheffield Hallam University and Hallam Students Union. This webinar will be of interest to any staff member or student researcher embarking on research and evaluation projects during this academic year. This webinar will cover: - An introduction


CIP Coffee


Taken from the Lean Coffee concept, these sessions will be structured but without an agenda. We will get together and build our topics for discussion together, depending on the current issues. This way we can support real time concerns and focus on the needs of the group. Please note, this is an online event but please feel free to bring


RM@SHU: Teaching Research Methods Forum


The Research Methods @ SHU Hallam Guild group is pleased to offer this Teaching Research Methods Forum event with a focus on teaching research methods during the current Covid-19 restrictions. The forum is open to anyone involved in dissertation supervision or teaching research methods at any level. This session provides an opportunity to meet together to discuss common challenges and


Telling your story: recognising your success


Thursday 19th November 12.00 – 1.30pm  (online) This event is hosted jointly by the Hallam Guild Teaching Excellence Network and the Principal/Senior Fellow Forum. We are delighted to welcome Professor Sally Bradley from Advance HE who will present our Hallam Guild event: Telling your story: recognising your success. Sally will encourage us to reflect on our strengths and achievements, within


Safe Spaces


This event is hosted by the Academic Network for Women of Colour and the Hallam Race Network. Generally the university has not been a safe space for historically underinvested groups. With the renewed and politicised focus on anti-racist practice, we are increasingly encouraged to create ‘safe spaces’ in our offices and classrooms so that we can be more intentional about
