Hallam Guild Launch

Owen Building Room 1025

The launch will take place on: - Monday 22 October 2018 - at 17:00 - 19:30 - in the Atrium, Owen Building at the University’s city campus. To launch the Hallam Guild, we are hosting an event filled with project displays, interactive activities, and opportunities for discussions. The launch evening will include welcomes from Professor Sir Chris Husbands, University Vice-Chancellor,

Does research into higher education have any impact on policy?

Cantor Building Room 9002, Cantor Building, Sheffield

Policymaking and HE research can be worlds apart. Why is that? And does it have to be that way? Ant Bagshaw will appraise the landscapes of research and policymaking to explore this disconnection and identify what can be done on both sides to bridge the gap. Ant Bagshaw is a Director at Nous Group, a management consultancy with a specialism


Migration, Refuge and the University – invitation to launch of new Guild group

Owen Building Room 1029

Dear colleagues,   Many thanks for your interest in and support for this new Guild group, either during the development process or in response to our recent request for information about current activities within the Hallam community.   We are now writing to invite you to join the launch of the Hallam Guild’s Migration, Refugee and the University Group, which is created to:


20-Minute ‘The Micro Skills of Compassion in the Classroom’ Webinars


All webinars are offered free of charge through SDSU Zoom - https://SDSU.zoom.us/j/781586558  Each Webinar will begin promptly at 12 noon (pacific time)/8pm (GMT)  on each date indicated. Each webinar will be recorded and shared for future reference at http://rushingtoyoga.org/?page_id=286, where the free book with additional resources can be obtained.  Each webinar will be no more than 20 minutes in length
