From Academic Content to Professional Practice in an hour:
A discipline-specific teaching and learning model to support employability and, potentially, its assessment.
This workshop was held on 24th June 2019 by the Hallam Guild Group, Assessment for Applied Learning and delivered by:
Charmaine Myers – Senior Lecturer
Academic Development (Employability)
Academic Practice and Learning Innovation – LEAD
The employability of undergraduates continues to be the focus for the H.E sector. A particular challenge for non-vocational courses is how do we assist learners to link, often abstract concepts from their discipline area, to professional practice in the world of work?
An on-line transition model has been developed to give new H.E learners an authentic context to a topic from their subject discipline, supplemented with a selection of authentic tasks to apply this knowledge while drawing on their own experiences. Finally, the link to professional practice is provided through video interviews of professionals who put the topic into a real-world context. This session focused on how the model can help design assessment for employability. Participants will be invited to explore what such an assessment might look like within their own discipline.
Take a look at Charmaine’s presentation