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Supporting and developing our students

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Your first stop for support is My Hallam.  Here you can get help with various issues, updates on teaching and learning and contacts for specialist support and services. 

Hallam HelpThis section covers:

Learning Outcomes

A learning outcome is defined as ‘What a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completing a process of learning’. These are normally expressed as the knowledge or skills that students are able to demonstrate as a result of studying a module.

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Academic skills and development

Each degree course defines the intellectual, practical and professional skills that students are expected to develop as they study. These are listed in your module handbooks and they have been approved by the Quality Assurance Agency in subject benchmark statements. Sheffield Hallam University also defines the skills expected of Sheffield Hallam graduates through Graduate Attributes. Find out how you can get recognised for the stuff you do outside of your course by visiting our Hallam Award  page.

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Listing skills

Is a way of describing the learning that is expected of students and these terms are only really meaningful for many students when embedded in the practices of a subject. All courses might expect you to develop your ability to critically analyse information, but obviously a midwife, an engineer and a historian will demonstrate this skill in very different ways. Each course also develops a different skillset. If you take a degree in Biomedical sciences you will be expected to develop the following:

  • Analytical, data interpretation and problem solving skills.
  • Intellectual skills.
  • Practical and professional skills.
  • Communication, presentation and information technology skills.
  • Interpersonal and teamwork skills.
  • Self-management and professional development skills.

Whereas in Art and Design you will develop the following skills:

  • Self-management.
  • Critical engagement.
  • Group/team working and social skills.
  • Skills in communication and presentation.
  • Information skills.
  • Personal qualities. 

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How can I develop my academic skills?

Your course has been carefully planned to help you develop these skills. The best way to develop them is through your active and thoughtful engagement in your course activities. The people best placed to help you make sense of your subject are the academic staff on your course. At the same time we aim to help you learn to study independently. As students have a range of study preferences there are plenty of resources and services available to help you improve your study techniques and approaches to study.

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Who can help me develop my academic skills?

There are many university staff that can help and support you with your academic skills and development such as your named Academic Adviser, Module and Course Leader, Student Support Advisers and Employability Advisers.  There are also many teams within Hallam that can provide guidance, information and development activities:

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Careers and Employability Service

The Careers and Employability Service is open to all current students and graduates of the last 3 years. Their aim is to help you enhance your employability by providing a range of facilities and services to enable you to make well informed decisions about your current and future plans. They offer advice, guidance and information on a range of career-related issues, including:

  • planning your future.
  • options with your subject.
  • getting experience.
  • finding a job.
  • CVs/applications/interviews.
  • meeting an adviser.

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Distance Learner Support

The Distance Learner Support Service offers additional services for students on designated distance learning courses, such as:

  • extended borrowing periods.
  • postal book loans.
  • access to book chapters and journal articles not available electronically. 

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Exam Support

Sitting exams can feel stressful to a lot of us but if you are prepared then you will feel calmer. Take a look at the hints and tips for exam preparation below:

  • Start revision early;
  • Break topics into small chunks;
  • Revise little and often rather than for long periods (half an hour-45 minutes a day for 1 month is better than 16 hours in the 2 days before);
  • Find your own revision style (reading/ writing/ recording/ listening);
  • Take breaks.

Learn how to prepare for exams and reflect on your performance with effective revision methods and strategies for answering different types of exam questions:

  • mental and physical preparation;
  • revision strategies;
  • what to expect on the day of your exam;
  • how to respond to different types of question.

To make sure you prepare well and ace your exams please take a look at:

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Health and Safety Service

Take a look at your health and safety responsibilities guidance whereby you can access short videos to help you understand your own health, safety and welfare needs.

IT Support

Visit My Hallam for all the IT Services such as:

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Library Services

How can I get help from the Library?  Visit the Library Services page for more details.

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The Skills Centre

The Skills Centre provides a range of opportunities to support the development of academic study skills through webinars, one to one appointments, peer learning opportunities, and a range online self-help resources, including study guides, screencasts, Skills4StudyCampus, and Studiosity. You can start with a Skills Check, work through an Essential eLearning Module, and identify further areas to develop; such as Critical Writing, Structuring Assignments and Writing your Dissertation. 

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Student Union

The Student Union has a variety of support pathways. Visit the Students’ Union webpage for more details. 

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Student Wellbeing

Wellbeing is fundamental to being healthy, fulfilled and content, which in turn helps you become a successful student. Student Wellbeing provides information and advice to support your psychological wellbeing in order for you to manage your studies and make the most of university life. We offer a range of support services.

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Inclusivity, disability and accessibility 

The Equality Act 2010

Please refer to the Equality and Diversity webpages on The Equality Act 2010 which introduced nine ‘protected characteristics’ *  age  *  disability  *  gender reassignment  *  marriage and civil partnership  *  pregnancy and maternity  *  race  *  religion and belief  *  sex  *  sexual orientation. 

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What is inclusivity?

The term inclusive practice recognises the diversity of students. It aims to enable all students to access course content, fully participate in learning activities and demonstrate their knowledge and strengths at assessment. Sheffield Hallam University is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity and to creating and sustaining an inclusive culture in which there is high quality, vibrant learning experience unhampered by artificial barriers. For more information, visit the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion webpage.

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Support for disabled students

Disabled Student Support aims to ensure that the University is compliant with its legal responsibility not to discriminate against disabled students by failing to make reasonable adjustments. They achieve this primarily through the provision of learning contracts and the delivery of specialist services for disabled students. The team also plays a key role in raising awareness about the need to anticipate the needs of disabled students and promotes the development of Inclusive Practice.

What conditions are eligible for support?  – We provide support to students with a wide range of conditions.  Many students are put off by the term ‘disability’ or do not think that it applies to them. All of the following conditions are eligible for support:

*  Specific learning difficulties (such as dyslexia or dyspraxia)  *  Mental health difficulties  *  Long-term medical conditions  *  Autism spectrum conditions  *  Physical disabilities  *  Deaf  *  Visual impairment.

The support you receive depends on you, your condition and your course, but here are a few examples:

  • All students need to provide medical evidence of their condition to access support.
  • Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) provides extra financial help for disabled students. They help pay for any additional study-related costs you incur because of your disability.

Adjusted marking (blue stickers)

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What are learning contracts?

A learning contract lists recommendations for ‘reasonable adjustments’ to the learning, teaching and assessment on your course to enable you to study to your potential.  The main purpose of your learning contract is to ensure that all relevant staff members in your College are aware of the recommendations made for you by Disabled Student Support, so they can put them into practice.  Learning Contracts are produced by the Disabled Student Support team at the University. 

Support for international students

Here at Sheffield Hallam University we work to provide all students with an international and intercultural experience and the International Experience Team are a dedicated specialist team, supporting international students throughout their time at Sheffield Hallam. The team provide:

  • Specialist services, advice and guidance on a range of issues affecting study and welfare.
  • Guidance on course, assessment and financial issues.
  • Workshops run each semester to help you adjust to UK study methods and teaching styles.
  • Close links with the Students’ Union and other groups to provide activities and social events throughout the year.
  • Going Global on campus – a scheme that international students can get involved with, bringing global experiences, news, ideas and an international perspective which enhances the university experience for all.
  • For students with English as a second or additional language, the University English Scheme hosts weekly sessions for international students who wish to develop their academic English.  Visit the Academic English Library page for details on dates/times and how to access. International students can also self-enrol on the University English Scheme Blackboard site.

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Last updated: 11th March 2024 NB. For all enquiries regarding this page, please contact the ADI Team.