Working with Windows 10 and the new version of Office

Windows 10 The newest operating system from Microsoft will be used across the University from 2018/19 academic year. This the same operating system many staff and students use on their own equipment and will be familiar to most people. Using the Windows 10 operating system allows us to have the latest features and security updates…

Where to store your files

Microsoft uses your internal hard drive (currently partitioned into your C:Drive and D:Drive) for the installation of Windows 10. You will lose access to any files stored here (including those on your desktop) when the new operating system is deployed to you. Every student and member of staff has access to 1 TB or storage…

Using OneDrive

Every student and member of staff at the University has 1TB of cloud storage on OneDrive and you will see this as a prominent storage space when you start using Windows 10 and the new version of Office. You can access this now through a browser by visiting If you’re asked to log in, enter…