End Point Assessment (EPA) from LTA Multimedia on Vimeo.
As part of Future Apprenticeships the Association of Colleges (AoC) supported a series of apprenticeship mock end-point assessments (EPAs) to test and trial the process. Take a look at the Excellence Gateway for their findings.
The Higher Degree Apprenticeship (HDA) End Point Assessment (EPA)
A key feature of any HDA programme under the new Apprenticeship Standards structure, for every apprentice (as both student and employee), their employer and Sheffield Hallam University (SHU).
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What’s different to typical academic course attainment?
Unlike existing academic SHU courses with work-based content, under the new Apprenticeship Standards Structure, HDAs will include a period of learning in the workplace for apprentices after academic attendance at SHU has concluded.
There are an increasing number of standards being designed where the EPA is integrated into the degree. EPA will still be required but this final synoptic test will be within the degree itself. The Apprenticeship Standard and Assessment Plan will clarify whether the EPA is integrated or takes place after the award of the degree.
What is the significance of EPA?
There are Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) fee payment implications to this arrangement. An apprentice is only 80% funded by the ESFA (think of this like the HDA equivalent of student fees to SHU) up to the completion of the academic part of the HDA programme. Apprentices continue learning in their workplace, and the final 20% is withheld by the ESFA until an apprentice has taken an EPA. There are consequently significant financial implications for SHU, so provision must be made to achieve successful EPA.
What approach can be taken to achieve EPA?
The most likely approach to achieve this final stage of a HDA is by developing an evidence-based portfolio approach to assessment. This could be in electronic format. Be mindful, as per standard SHU quality assurance procedures, that any pre-assessed work from other modules (for example dissertations or work-based projects) cannot be included and reassessed. However, learning and related activities stemming from previously assessed materials can be included. Pay careful attention to the approach stipulated in the Assessment Plan for the specific Apprenticeship Standard that the course is designed to.
What other considerations need to be made?
This new requirement needs careful curriculum forethought and development, and also careful resourcing and work-plan consideration long after teaching commitments have ended. A ‘gateway programme’ may be part of a bridging arrangement to prepare apprentices for their EPA portfolio preparation as they approach the end of their academic studies at SHU. During course design, the team should make use of the HDA cost model available from DEEP.
The employer will normally identify the EPA organisation and Sheffield Hallam University (the training provider) will procure the services of the EPA organisation. Once that has been arranged then it’s good practice to work with the Assessment Organisation to help set expectations for the apprentice learners. Although independence must be maintained (i.e. the Assessment Organisation must not deliver any of the training), a degree of collaboration and preparation is envisaged to help the apprentices for the EPA process.