The National Centre of Excellence for Degree Apprenticeships

This is a space for a community of practitioners to celebrate excellence and SHU’s growing reputation as a national leader on Degree Apprenticeships.

NCEDA Library   Publications, articles, publicity, conference materials, case-studies, policy work

Apprenticeship Monthly Newsletters

Sub Contractor Compatibility Toolkit 


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What’s Happening


There is plenty to talk about in the Apprenticeship space.  If you want to get involved you can submit your own proposal, but don’t hesitate to get in touch to join in with some exciting ideas that are shaping up:

There are 9 awards available, 4 for employer awards, and 5 for apprentices. For our apprentices, the following 3 awards would be suitable:

    • Higher and Degree Apprentice of the Year
    • The Lloyds Banking Group Award for Rising Star of the Year – celebrates apprentices that have made impressive progress in their career to date and have the potential to go even further. Apprentices should be nominated for this award by their employer.
    • Apprenticeship Champion of the Year – identifies individuals who go above and beyond to champion apprenticeships. Applicants will be nominated by a colleague or contact and complete the application after the nomination is submitted.  Please contact Jordan Cooper for more information and talk to your WBL Coach about supporting your stars.
  • The research report on the quality management of degree apprenticeships has now been published by the Office for Students, with colleagues from SHU influential during the qualitative research stages. For a short read with a link to the full report you can head to WonkHE – How do we manage the quality of degree apprenticeships? | Wonkhe   If you’d like to download the full report, this can be found on the OfS website Degree apprenticeships in England: current practices in design, delivery and quality management – Office for Students


  • A team in HW&LS are using funding through CIPS-aligned course evaluation bursary scheme to lead a project (with students (SETL), of which we have encouraged apprentices to apply, which is a qualitative study exploring  ‘Graduate perceptions of completing the trailblazing degree apprenticeship in Physiotherapy at Sheffield Hallam University to inform the sharing of student identified good practice to the wider educational sector.’  The team hope that the findings will help to inform future course development and to raise the profile of SHU and apprenticeships through our dissemination as we hope to publish and present at conferences.  Contact

If you are researching or publishing on Work Based Learning this journal is always helpful: