Recruitment and On-boarding (Training Plans)
The application process for Apprenticeships involves the employer and a three-way commitment statement, or “Training Plan”. This is explained to the Apprentice and Employer in the Onboarding section of our external facing Apprenticeship Impact and Information Resource (AIIR). There is a video in that section which provides an overview.
From May 2021, our on-line application process will use new tools in MAYTAS. There is a revised approach to the Skill Scan. There are revised Milestones for agreeing the starting position, tracking KSB progress on programme and signing off readiness for End Point Assessment. Scroll down the Resources section to see Recent Additions “Milestones 0-9”.
Training Plans
From August 2022, the Commitment Statement has been replaced with a “Training Plan”, in order to meet revised ESFA funding rules. This video and slides explain the changes and offer key resources, workshops and support to Apprenticeship Course Leaders and practitioners seeking to implement the changes. The slides include links to Teams pages where templates can be accessed.
Starting position and Individualisation of Curriculum
The OfSTED Education Inspection Framework requires that we understand the starting position for each learner and then individualise their curriculum. Therefore the Suitability Discussion between the WBL Coach, the Apprentice and the employer will review the outcomes of the Skill Scan (explained to the Apprentice in AIIR). The WBL Coach will ask the Apprentice to engage in further onboarding activities including preparation for the start of learning in the Portfolio (Reflective practice) module. This will lay the groundwork so that a compulsory academic-led exercise can be implemented by the relevant module leader. Scroll down to view the Starting Point Exercise in Recent Additions in the Resources Section. Apprenticeship Course Leaders will need to update the Starting Point ACL Log to check we are compliant across our whole portfolio and can use feedback to enhance this approach as a community of Practice.
A similar exercise should be conducted at each progression point in conjunction with a review of the Skill Scan.
Skill Scan, Recognised Prior Learning and Total Negotiated Price
Applicants with a high scoring Skill Scan, considered alongside any previous qualifications at the same or higher level of study, may not be eligible for full funding. This means we may need to calculate a reduction in the Total Negotiated Price for the Apprenticeship and adjust the programme. In some cases the Apprentice might not be eligible for the Apprenticeship option. This is the most up to date working version of the TNP Guidance and Calculator. This should be used to make any adjustments to programme delivery and then also the Total Negotiated Price (TNP) all to be reflected in the three-way Apprenticeship Commitment Statement.
Supporting the Work Place Mentor… Template for an Employer Facing Guide
Resources are under development and revision following ESFA funding rule changes in August 2022.